The sample XML file provided with this application is Structure_GVS.xml.
This file is located at ../OS/resources/standard/generativeparameters.
Customizing parameters in this file affects the appearance of your drawings and is an administrator task.
The reference planes that will be used for a given project are defined in an XML file pointed by a Project Resource Management resource, Reference Plane System. For more information, please refer to Reference Plane System.
For more information on how to create views using generative view styles, how to set view style parameters or more generally on administering generative view styles, please refer to the Generative Drafting User's Guide.
You can customize generative view style parameters for the reference plane system. These parameters are shared by all structure applications.
Sample XML file
In the sample XML file, generative view style parameters are located towards the bottom of the file under Structure.
The file is organized as follows:
- MainGrid
- ShowReferencePlaneSystem
- Draws the reference plane system. Yes or No (Default).
- RestrictedToTheBoundingBox
- Restricts the reference plane systems to the generated object bounding box (Yes ). No is the default that draws the entire reference plane system line, except in the case of clipping.
- GridsetPosition
- Position of the reference plane systems according to the generated view. The default is 0: The reference plane systems are generated where the set of planes is located. A 1 specifies the position of the reference plane systems.
- GridSetSelection
- Specify where to place the grids:
- GridLeft
- Draws the reference plane system on the left side of the model (Yes). Default is No.
- GridRight
- Draws the reference plane system on the right side of the model (Yes). Default is No.
- GridTop
- Draws the reference plane system on the top side of the model (Yes). Default is No.
- GridBottom
- Draws the reference plane system on the bottom side of the model (Yes). Default is No.
- Offset
- The horizontal offset to add between the generated view and the vertical reference plane system in millimeters. Default value is 35.0 mm.
- ShowMedian
- Median display switch. Yes or No.
- GridSetLineType
- Line type used to draw the grid. Values are 1 thru 63.
- TickSize
- Size of the ticks, in millimeters, for the grid plane lines. Default is 2.0.
- AnnotationStyle
- Style of the annotation of the frames. No annotation = 0.
- AnnotationSize
- Size of the annotations. Default is 2.0.
- AnnotationFrame
- Type of annotation frame for the applied annotation. Default is None.
- AnnotationStep
- Step between two annotations. Default value is 1 (there is an annotation on each stick).
- AnnotationStart
- The first annotation position. Default is -100 to display all frames within the bounding box.
- Elevations
- Extraction
- To draw the orientation symbol. Yes is the default. No indicates no orientation is drawn.
- ZPlusOrient_Symbol
- The letter used for ZPlusOrient orientation. Default is U.
- ZMinOrientName_Symbol
- The letter used for ZMinOrientName_Symbol orientation. Default is L.
- XPlusOrientName_Symbol
- The letter used for XPlusOrientName_Symbol orientation. Default is A.
- XMinOrientName_Symbol
- The letter used for XMinOrientName_Symbol orientation. Default is F.
- YPlusOrientName_Symbol
- The letter used for YPlusOrientName_Symbol orientation. Default is S.
- YMinOrientName_Symbol
- The letter used for YMinOrientName_Symbol orientation. Default is P.
- HullInOrientName_Symbol
- The letter used for HullInOrientName_Symbol orientation. Default is I.
- HullOutOrientName_Symbol
- The letter used for outboard orientation. Default is O.
- FontSize
- The size of the piece part number text. Default is 2.0.
- StandardFrame
- Indicates how to display standard frames.
- WebFrame
- Indicates how to display web frames.
- SpecialFrame
- Indicates how to display special frames.
- Indicates how to display AFT frames.
- Indicates how to display MFZ frames.
- ShowFrames
- Default is Yes: To draw the standard frames. No indicates standard frames will not be drawn.
- LineType
- The line type index to use for frame gradation. Default value is 1 (solid line type).
- TickSize
- The size of the ticks in millimeters. Default is 2.0.
- Position
- The position of the gradation relative to the median. Default value is Centered.
- AnnotationStyle
- Style of the annotation of the frames.
0 = No annotation.
1 = Frame name (Default).
2 = Short name
3 = Offset from the origin with the units.
4 = Offset from the origin without the units.
- TextPosition
- The position of the text relative to the gradation. Default is Below.
- AnnotationSize
- Size of the annotations in millimeters. Default is 2.0.
- AnnotationFrame
- Type of annotation frame for the applied annotation. Default is None.
- SpacingGrid
- SpacingGridStyle
- The style of the spacing grid to be displayed.
- ShowSpacingGrid
- Draws the spacing grid.
- Offset1
- The offset to add between the generated view and the median in millimeters. Default is 20.0.
- Offset2
- The offset to add between the generated view and the median in millimeters. Default is 30.0.
- TextPosition
- The position of the text relative to the gradation. Default is Below.
- MidshipsSymbolDisplay
- Draws the midship symbol. Yes or No.
- MidshipsSymbolChapterName
- The name of the chapter containing midship symbol within the drawing symbol structure catalog. Default value is MTOs.
- MidshipsDetailName
- The name of the detail within the catalog to instantiate for midships detail name. Default value is MidShip.