TerminologyA body created from V5R14 onwards is still referred to as Body.
Likewise, when creating a new 3D shape, the default body is referred
to as Part Body. Conversely, bodies created using application versions prior to V5R14
are no longer referred to as bodies but as Solid bodies in applications
user's guides, not in specification trees.
Graphic RepresentationsThe graphic representations used to identify the different types of bodies
are as follows:
- A body or part body you create in a hybrid design environment is
identified with a green wheel icon in the specification tree:
- Solid bodies are identified with gray icons:
However, from V5R15 onward the green icons identifying existing bodies
turn yellow if you change the type of design environment to a non-hybrid
design type:
For further information, see
Graphic Representations of Bodies and Solid Bodies. Part Body in a Hybrid Design Environment
Solid body (here Part Body) in a Hybrid Design Environment
What Are Bodies Made Of ?A body has only one solid result. It can contain the following entities:
- All Shape Design features
- Ordered geometrical sets (OGSs): this is possible by using the
Insert > Ordered Geometrical Sets command. For more information,
Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Managing Geometrical Feature Sets: Inserting a Body into an Ordered Geometrical Set.
Creating an OGS within a body is the same as creating an OGS within
an OGS. Inserting Part Design Features in OGSs is not allowed.
- Sketches
- Boolean Operations
- Solid bodies: you can integrate them into bodies thru Boolean operations
and Copy/Paste mechanisms.
Example of a PartBody
- What Bodies Do Not Contain
A body cannot contain the following:
Specific Mechanisms Locate FeaturesUp to Version 5 release 14, bodies displayed their contents according
to two major principles: ordering and absorption. Now that they can include
additional feature types, namely surface and wireframe features, both mechanisms
apply to them too. All features in a body are displayed in the tree so as
to show a succession of steps defining the design. In other words, the order
of apparition of features in the specification tree is consistent with the
steps of creation of the design.
Unlike features within a solid body, features in a body can be set as current:
a given step of the design creation is chosen and what is located after
it is not accessible nor visible.
Impacts on Existing CapabilitiesBecause of new rules to be followed, a certain number of existing capabilities
have been upgraded so as to reflect the changes. Here are the new behaviors
you now need to be familiar with:
- Sketch Location in the Specification Tree:
up to Part Design Version 5 release 14 the sketches used for creating
sketch-based features were located directly below the features in the
specification tree. Now, to improve the visibility of your design process
this behavior has changed: depending on how sketches are created, sketch
entities are displayed or not below the features they support.
For more information, see Part Design User's Guide.
- Reorder:
After reordering a feature in the specification tree, local objects
are defined as follows: the application sets the first feature that
is not affected by the reorder operation as the new defined in work
- Delete:
- In a hybrid design environment, whenever you delete a sketch-based
feature, you can choose between deleting the corresponding aggregated
sketch or not. In concrete terms, you can activate or deactivate
the Delete aggregated elements option.
- Deleting a surface or wireframe element may affect the specifications
of a Part Design feature.
- When deleting a Boolean operation, by default all operated bodies
(located below the Boolean operation node) are deleted too: just
deselect the Delete aggregated elements option if you
wish to keep the bodies.
- For more information, see Part Design User's Guide.
- Surface and Wireframe Geometrical Elements created on the fly
For more information, see Part Design User's Guide.
- Surface-based Features
For more information, see Part Design User's Guide.
- Visualization
If you wish to show or hide all the Part Design and Shape Design features
belonging to the same body, you need to select the body and then apply
the Hide/Show capability.
- Creation of features
When creating a new feature in a current body, the geometry that pointed
to the feature preceding the new feature is redirected to the new feature
you are creating.
- Boolean Features:
When performing a Boolean operation, whatever the operation type you
perform (Add, Assemble, Intersect etc.), the application displays the
specification trees in two different ways. If the sequential construction
of the geometry is valid, the Boolean Operation node contains the operating
body. Conversely, if you perform a
mixed Boolean operation or if there is an interruption of the sequential
construction of the geometry, the Boolean Operation node never contains
the operating body.
- Power Copies
In a hybrid design environment, bodies that underwent Boolean operations
are located below the nodes corresponding to these operations. Consequently,
they cannot be selected to define a power copy. If, for example, you
try to select Body.5 as an input element making up a power copy, a warning
message displays warning you that because Body.5 is aggregated into
Assemble.3, you cannot select it as an input component.
For more information, see Part Design User's Guide.
Insert Added VolumesThe Insert Added Volumes command lets you change from the volume design to solid