Creating Thread Standards

The application provides two default thread standards files. (Metric thin pitch and Metric thick pitch). As an administrator you can create new thread standards from already existing files. You can quickly create the thread standards in your CATIA session.

Before you begin:

You must have administrator rights to access and modify drafting standards.

Related Topics
Creating Holes
Creating Threaded Holes
  1. Select Tools > Standards...

  2. In the Standard Definition dialog box that appears, select the thread category.

  3. In the File combo box, select the .xml file from which you want to create new standards.

  4. Click the plus sign next to the node containing the name of the standard. In our example, click next to Metric_Thick_Pitch.

  5. Repeat this step for each node below to display the complete xml tree structure.

    The Values node contains the different values of the standard.

  6. To remove a value, first select Values.

  7. Select the value of interest, then the Remove instance button.

  8. To add a value, select the Add instance button. This displays a new value for which different boxes are assigned.

  9. Enter the values you want.

  10. When done, select Save As New to create a new standards file.

    Important: you can modify a standard on the fly. But if the standard has already been used (i.e a design table was created) the modification is not taken into account in the Hole Definition and Thread Definition dialog boxes.