Editing a Point

You can move, cut or insert points in a tool path.

This task shows you how to:

Related Topics
Tool Path Editor

Move a Point

You can select points in a tool path and move them.

  • Start the Tool Path Editor. See Editing Tool Paths.
  • Select points before any modification of the tool path.
  1. Click Point Modification in the Tool Path Editor dialog box.

    The tool path and a dialog box are displayed.

  2. As you pass the mouse cursor over the tool path, a small square moves along the tool path. Click where you want to select a point.

    The point must belong to the selected tool path.

    The Selection toolbar proposes other options.

  3. Once the points are selected, you can move them:

    • Define the Distance.
      • Pull the Distance arrow to the place you want the point to be in the authoring window. The distance between the original position and the current position of the points is displayed as you move the arrow.

      • Enter the coordinates of where they should be in the spin boxes. Just as above, an arrow is displayed as well as the distance from the original position of the points.

      • Double-click the word Distance and enter the distance in the box that appears.
    • Use the contextual menu on Distance to select the translation direction.

  4. Click Move to validate the modification.

Cut a point

You can select points in a tool path and cut them.

  • Start the Tool Path Editor. See Editing Tool Paths.
  • Select points before any modification of the tool path.
  1. Once the points are selected, click Cut to remove points.

  2. Click OK to validate and revert to the Tool Path Editor dialog box.

Insert a point

You can insert points in a tool path.

  • Start the Tool Path Editor. See Editing Tool Paths.
  • Select points before any modification of the tool path.
  1. Once the tool path and the dialog box are displayed, pick a point to select it.

    One point on each side of the selected point is proposed and visualized by a yellow cross. Those points are at the middle of the segment defined by the selected point and the next point on each side.

  2. Pick the proposed point you want to create and click Insert that is now available.

  3. Click OK to validate and revert to the Tool Path Editor dialog box.