Modifying Approaches and Retracts in Tool Paths

You can add or remove approaches and retracts in a tool path. You can also modify existing approaches or retracts.

Related Topics
Tool Path Editor
  1. Start the Tool Path Editor. See Editing Tool Paths.

  2. Click Approach and Retract Modification in the Tool Path Editor dialog box.

    The Approach and Retract Modification dialog box is displayed:

  3. Select the appropriate check boxes under Filter.

    From the whole tool path or from a polygon that you draw on the tool path, you can delete:

    • approaches,
    • retracts,
    • linking passes,
    • passes between paths.

  4. Click:

    • Remove from whole tool path if you want to remove all occurrences or,
    • Remove from area inside polygon if you want to remove only the occurrences in a specific area:
      • define the area by drawing a polygon in the authoring window,
      • double-click to confirm and end it.

  5. Go to the Approach or the Retract tab to add approaches or retracts.

    1. Select the type of motion you want to use and modify the settings if necessary.
    2. Click Apply.

      A message is displayed, asking whether this should apply to the whole tool path.

    3. Answer Yesfor the whole path.
    4. Answer No to add an approach or a retract motion to a portion of the tool path, that you will select with one Selection icon:

  6. When you are satisfied with the result, click OK.