Tool Assembly Resources

All supported Tool Assembly resources are presented in this section.

Related Topics
Creating or Editing a Tool Assembly
Creating or Editing a Tool Holder

Mill and Drill Assembly

MfgMillAndDrillToolAssembly resource attributes are described below.

Base Attributes

These attributes provide general information.


Type: String

Associates a name to the resource.


Type: String

Associates a comment to the resource.

MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number)

Type: Integer

Defines the tool number.

Geometry Attributes

These attributes characterize the assembly shape and have an impact on the collision detection capability.

MFG_DIAMETER_1 (Diameter 1 : D1)

Type: Real

Specifies the maximum diameter of the tool.

MFG_DIAMETER_2 (Diameter 2 : D2)

Type: Real

Specifies the maximum diameter of the adapter or holder depending on the number of components on the tool assembly.

MFG_DIAMETER_3 (Diameter 3 : D3)

Type: Real

Specifies the maximum diameter of the tool assembly holder. It is valuated only if the number of components is 3.

MFG_TL_SET_LGTH (Total set length : ST)

Type: Real

Specifies the total set length of the tool assembly.


Type: Real

Specifies the X component of the total set length of the tool assembly. The manufacturing attribute is MFG_TL_SET_X.


Type: Real

Specifies the Y component of the total set length of the tool assembly.


Type: Real

Specifies the Z component of the total set length of the tool assembly.

MFG_ORIENT_ANGLE (Orientation)

Type: Real

If a boring bar is used, defines the angle between the boring bar and the tool assembly reference.

Technology Attributes

These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation.

MFG_NB_OF_COMP (Number of components)

Type: Integer

Specifies the number of components of the tool assembly.

MFG_ASS_GAGE_1 (Gage 1 : G1)

Type: Real

Specifies the assembly gage between the tool and adapter or the tool and holder depending on the number of components on the tool assembly.

MFG_ASS_GAGE_2 (Gage 2 : G2)

Type: Real

Specifies the assembly gage between the adapter and holder, if there are three components on the tool assembly.


Type: String

Possible values:

  • MFG_FIXED (Fixed)
  • MFG_POWERED (Powered)

Defines whether the tool assembly is powered or fixed: Powered means that the tool turns and the part is fixed, Fixed means that the tool is fixed and the part turns.

Lathe Assembly

MfgLatheToolAssembly resource attributes are described below.

Base Attributes

These attributes provide general information.


Type: String

Associates a name to the resource.


Type: String

Associates a comment to the resource.

MFG_TOOL_NUMBER (Tool number)

Type: Integer

Defines the tool number.

MFG_TL_SETUP_ANG (Setup angle)

Type: Real

Defines the tool assembly setup angle.

Geometry Attributes

These attributes characterize the assembly shape and have an impact on the collision detection capability.

MFG_TL_REF_COMP (Reference Compensation)

Type: Boolean (P9, P8, and so on).

Specifies the reference compensation for the set length values (gauges) defined on the tool assembly.


Type: Real

Specifies the X component of the total set length of the tool assembly.


Type: Real

Specifies the Y component of the total set length of the tool assembly.


Type: Real

Specifies the Z component of the total set length of the tool assembly.

MFG_TOOL_INVERT (Tool inverted)

Type: Boolean (Yes/No)

Specifies whether the tool has been inverted.

Technology Attributes

These attributes provide technological information without any impact on the tool path computation.

MFG_NB_OF_COMP (Number of components)

Type: Integer

Specifies the number of components of the tool assembly.

MFG_OUTP_PREF_1 (Pref. output point 1)

Type: String

Possible values:

  • MfgNone (None)
  • P1
  • P2
  • P3
  • P4
  • P5
  • P6
  • P7
  • P8
  • P9
  • P9R

Defines the first preferred output point.

MFG_OUTP_PREF_2 (Pref. output point 2)

Type: String

Possible values:

  • MfgNone (None)
  • P1
  • P2
  • P3
  • P4
  • P5
  • P6
  • P7
  • P8
  • P9
  • P9R

Defines the second preferred output point.

MFG_OUTP_PREF_3 (Pref. output point 3)

Possible values:

  • MfgNone (None)
  • P1
  • P2
  • P3
  • P4
  • P5
  • P6
  • P7
  • P8
  • P9
  • P9R

Defines the third preferred output point.