Part Sequencing

The Part Sequencing dialog box appears when you select Part Sequencing in the NC Machine Control toolbar. It starts auxiliary dialog boxes as well.

This dialog box contains controls for:

Related Topics
Creating a Sequential Part Transfer Activity


Defines the name of the Part Sequencing activity. It is editable.
Lets you enter a comment, if required.
Lists the positions (Setups) available. See Creating a Part Operation.

Note: Position and Spindle are available only if more than one setup exists.

Displays the name of the spindle associated to the selected position.

Note: You cannot select a spindle directly, you can only select a position.


Starts the editor of the selected element.
Deletes the selected elements.
Move Up, Move Down
Move the selected element downwards or upwards.
Creates a Motion action. See Motion below.
Creates an Attach action,

Defines the name of the Attach. It is editable.
Product Position
Lists the positions (Setups) available. See Creating a Part Operation.

The list below lets you select the status of the action:

Lists the available devices. For example:

Creates a Visibility action.

Defines the name of the Visibility. It is editable.
Product Position
Lists the positions (Setups) available. See Creating a Part Operation.

The list below lets you select the status of the action:

Creates a Dwell action.

Defines the name of the Dwell. It is editable.
Dwell Time
Lets you enter the duration of the dwell.


Defines the name of the motion. It is editable.
Lists the available devices. For example:

Axis Control
Lets you select the axis along which the motion is created. Once the axis is selected, you can:
  • Use the slider to define the length of the motion. The motion is visualized in the authoring window as you drag the cursor.
  • Click Begin and select a point or a plane in the authoring window to define the start reference of the axis. The button is updated with the name of your selection.
  • Click End and select a point or a plane in the authoring window to define the end reference of the axis. The button is updated with the name of your selection.

The three counters let you define an offset, the length of the motion (also updated as you drag the cursor) and the feedrate of the motion.

Lets you define the values of the steps used in Axis Control.
Lets you select a home position from the list.

User Parameters

See Adding a User Parameter.

PP Word Syntax

See Using PP Word.