Previewing Spindle Way of Rotation during Replay and Simulation

You can get information on spindle associated with a Machining Operation by placing a pointer on the Machining Operation node in the Activities Process Tree or on the Machining Operation in Synchronization Wizard. The information includes spindle number, spindle name, and its direction of rotation. You can also enable or disable display of spindle way of rotation for each spindle. You can control the arrow display to represent the spindle rotation for each spindle by a click.

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  1. Go to Tools > Options > Machining > Resources and select the display color of the Spindle Rotation Arrow and of the Spindle Rotation Arrow Head from the lists.

  2. Insert a Rough Turning operation in the Activities Process Tree and compute the tool path.

    See Creating a Rough Turning Operation

  3. Place the pointer over the Rough Turning operation in the Activities Process Tree.

    Information about spindle number, spindle name and its direction of rotation is displayed as tooltip.

  4. Click Synchronization Wizard in the NC Control toolbar to start the synchronization.

    See Creating and Editing Synchronization

  5. Place the pointer over the Rough Turning operation in the synchronization view that appears.

    Information about spindle number, spindle name, and its direction of rotation is displayed as tooltip.

  6. Right-click the spindle in PPR Context and select NC Resources > Activate Spindle Direction Display.

    The spindle direction is displayed as a 3D arrow in the authoring window.

    By default,

    • arrow is positioned on the plane perpendicular to the spindle axis.
    • diameter of the arrow is determined by the maximum size of the product to machine.

  7. Use the mouse to manipulate the spindle arrow diameter and position.

    1. Use left mouse button to change the radial position of the arrow.
    2. Use the left and middle mouse buttons to change the axial position of the arrow.
    3. Double click in the authoring window, to store the diameter and position of the arrow for the spindle.

      The stored diameter and position can be used for simulation.

  8. Select Rough Turning operation and Drilling operation having fixed tool and click Tool Path Replay .

    Spindle rotation is shown for Lathe operation and Axial operation with fixed tool. The below image shows spindle way of rotation during Tool Path Replay.

    If a spindle is involved simultaneously in more than one activity with different ways of rotations, the spindle arrow is displayed in red color with two arrow heads indicating both clockwise and counterclock wise directions as shown in the image below (Time-based replay).

    Note: Spindle direction display is not supported during Time Based Video simulation.