Creating a View From an FTA View

You can create an associative view in a 2D layout representation from an FTA (Functional Tolerancing & Annotations) view, plane or sketch. You can then invert, reroute or isolate such views.

Before you begin:
  • Open a 3D shape representation containing a layout and at least two FTA views.
  • Click and select Mechanical > 2D Layout for 3D Design to open the layout in the 2D window, alongside the 3D window.
Related Topics
About Views Created from FTA Views or Capture
Creating a Filtered View From an FTA Capture
Creating a View Using Generative View Styles
  1. In the 2D window, click New View From in the Layout toolbar (Views sub-toolbar).

    The Tools Palette toolbar is displayed.

  2. Make sure that the Create Datum option is not activated (you need to create an associative view).

  3. In the 3D window, select an FTA view, from the specification tree.

    Tip: The green arrow allows you to invert the normal (N) of the layout view. At creation, you can also select the Invert option from the contextual menu.

    A new Front View.1 item is added to the 2D layout specification tree.

  4. In the 2D window, click on the sheet at the location where you want the view to be positioned.

    The associative view is created and activated.