More About the Clipping Frame

There are a few things that you need to know about the clipping frame.

Related Topics
Using the Clipping Frame
About Printing a Layout
Generating Drawings from a Layout

  • You can activate or deactivate the clipping frame for a view by right-clicking it, selecting Properties then the Visualization tab, and selecting/clearing the Activate clipping frame check box. Then click OK.

  • When first activating a clipping frame on an existing view, the clipping is reframed on the view content. If you want the clipping to be reframed on the view background instead, you can do so using the Reframe on View Background command. In this case, the view background can be the 3D shape or assembly containing the 2D layout.

  • To activate or deactivate the clipping frame for several views at once, multi-select the views and use the Properties dialog box (Visualization tab, Activate clipping frame check box). Note that when the selected views do not all have the same status (clipping frame activated or deactivated for all views), the check box status appears to be undefined but you can still select it or clear it.

  • The clipping frame can also be activated by default for each newly created view. Refer to View Creation > Clipping in the Customizing chapter for more information.

  • The Reframe on view background option computes the clipping frame according to a bounding box composed of all background elements. As a result, the clipping frame may end up being larger than the background.

  • The clipping frame is taken into account:

    • When printing in raster mode: all background elements that are outside of the frame's boundaries, as well as the frame itself, are not printed.

    • When creating a drawing view: all background elements that are outside of the frame's boundaries are not generated. Note that the frame itself is not generated, and that the boundary of clipped elements is displayed using a specific, un-customizable, line type. Also note that the clipping frame is not associative: if you activate/deactivate it, or modify its size/position after the drawing has been generated, you will need to update the drawing (even if it appears as being up-to-date) in order for your modifications to be taken into account.