Handling Annotation Leaders

You can handle annotation leaders, by performing such operations as adding or removing a breakpoint, an extremity or an interruption.

Before you begin: Open a drawing representation containing a text with leader.
Related Topics
More About Leaders
Adding a Leader to an Existing Annotation
Moving and Positioning Leader Breakpoints
  1. Right-click the yellow control point at the end of the leader.

    The leader's contextual menu appears.

  2. Choose from the available options.

    Note: Multi-selection is not taken into account for these options, except for Symbol Shape. The operation is performed only on the leader you right-click in the selection.

    • To make another selection, choose Other Selection. In the window that appears, select another element.

    • To add a breakpoint on the leader, select Add a Breakpoint.

    • To remove a breakpoint, right-click the breakpoint and select Remove a Breakpoint.

    • To add an extremity to an existing breakpoint (for texts or welding symbols only), right-click the breakpoint, select Add an extremity, and then click where you want to position the extremity.

    • To remove an extremity, right-click the additional extremity and select Remove Leader/Extremity.

      Note: Clicking on the main leader extremity will remove the leader.

    • To add an interruption, select Add an Interruption and then, on the leader, click the two points between which you want to add the interruption.

    • To remove an interruption, right-click the leader yellow control point and select Remove Interruptions.

      Important: Any existing interruption will be removed from the leader when adding or removing breakpoints.
    • To remove the leader, select Remove Leader/Extremity.

    • To add an application zone symbol, point to Application Zone . Then select No Zone if you do not want a symbol, or select the required symbol from the following available symbols:

      • Global All Around
      • Partial All Around
      • Global All About with horizontal axis indicator
      • Global All About with vertical axis indicator
      • Partial All About with horizontal axis indicator
      • Partial All About with vertical axis indicator
      • Global All Over
      • Partial All Over
      For example, select Application Zone > Global All Around.

      These symbols are used to specify that a specification is to be applied all around, all about or all over the 3D profile of a part. You can also specify whether it is to be applied globally or partially. This complies with ISO, JIS and ASME international standards.


      • When you update the pre-V6R210 standard, the display of all around and all over symbols changes according to new standard specification.
      • The anchor symbol is not available on additional extremities.

    • To modify the leader symbol shape, point to Symbol Shape. Then, select No Symbol if you do not want a symbol for the leader, or select the symbol you want from the available symbols.

      Important: Changing the symbol shape behavior differs depending on whether one or several annotations in the selection have more than one leader:
      • If the leader you right-click is the only one in the annotation, then the symbol is applied to this leader and to all annotations which have only one leader.
      • If the leader you right-click is not the only one in the annotation, then the symbol is applied to this leader only.

  3. Move the leader or any existing breakpoints by clicking a yellow control point and moving it using the pointer.

    • To move the annotation but not the leader, click the annotation and move it using the pointer.

    • To move the leader along with the annotation while making sure the leader keeps its original shape, select Rigid and then move the annotation.

      • This functionality is available for texts, welding symbols, 2D components, tables and geometrical tolerances, but not for other annotation types.
      • This functionality also applies when rotating the annotation text using the rotation manipulator.