More About Leaders

There are a few things you should know about leaders.

Related Topics
Adding a Leader to an Existing Annotation
Handling Annotation Leaders
Moving and Positioning Leader Breakpoints

General Information

You can add a leader only to one annotation at a time.

You should select one annotation only before selecting the Add Leader contextual command. Any multiple selection will be cleared.

Creating Numerous Leaders

To create as many leaders as required for an existing text, go to Tools > Customize and create the Add Leader command in a separate toolbar. You will then be able to double-click the Add Leader command and click to locate the leader(s) to be created.

Positioning the Leaders

You can set the leaders at the standard positions with respect to the specific text frame using Allow only standard positions contextual command. Note that if you do not select this option, you can position the leaders with respect to the anchor point (for example, top left, top right, middle left, etc.). For more information, refer to Frames Anchor Table.

Positioning the Anchor Point

You can position the anchor point automatically, using the Automatic Positioning contextual command. It positions the anchor point with respect to the annotation position. However, note that, while manipulating the text using the slide text manipulator, the Automatic Positioning mode is released.


When you create an annotation, a type of leader is automatically set, provided the standard files have not been modified. If you choose the Automatic option, a default symbol will be used, depending on the standard type, on the annotation type, and on whether the leader is associated to an element or not:

  • If the leader is associated to an element: Unfilled arrow for ANSI / ASME, Open arrow for ISO / JIS
  • If the leader is not associated to an element: Unfilled circle for ANSI / ASME, Filled circle for ISO / JIS

The leader remains associative to the text even if you modify the text it is associated with.