More About Text With a Leader

This topic provides more information about text with leader.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Creating a Text With a Leader
Adding a Leader to an Existing Annotation
Handling Annotation Leaders

About Texts with Leader

Leader lines are displayed in either of the following ways based on the standard set when defining the sheet.

Leader Orientation

When creating a text with leader, you can orient the leader perpendicularly to the element to which it is associated.

To do this, you have two different possibilities:

  • Either go to Tools > Snap by default (SHIFT toggles). Then, click the Configure snapping button and select either On orientation or Both. To orient directly the leader perpendicularly to the associated element, press the Shift key while clicking on the element to which you want to associate the text with leader (previous scenario, step 3).
  • Or go to Tools > Options > Drafting > Annotation and Dress-Up tab, and check Text in the Annotation Creation area. The text leader will be oriented perpendicularly to the geometry by default. In this case, pressing the Shift key will let you orient it differently.

Text Orientation

When creating a text with leader, you can make the text vertical. To do this, hold the Ctrl key while clicking in the drawing to position the text (previous scenario, step 3).

Elements that can be assigned a Text

You can assign a text with a leader to the following elements:

  • 2D elements:
    • lines
    • points
    • circles
    • curves
  • Generative edges