Inserting a Logical Connection

This section provides an overview of how to insert a logical connection between two components.

For full instructions on inserting a logical connection refer to VPM Functional Logical Editor Guide: Functional and Logical Definition: Logical.

You complete this process in the 2D view only.

Before you begin: Create a group of logical components similar to those shown below.
Related Topics
Inserting 2D Logical Components
Inserting a Logical Port
  1. In the 2D view, right-click the first of the two logical components and select Create New Logical Connection.

    A line appears which represents the connection.

  2. Click the second of the two logical components.

    The System Type Association dialog box appears.

  3. In the dialog box, if necessary, enter a name for the System Type (or accept the default value) and then click Next.

    The Logical Connection dialog box appears.

  4. In the dialog box, enter a name for the Logical Connection (or accept the default value) and then click Finish.

  • In the 2D view, a logical connection is added.
  • In the specification tree, the logical connection is added to Connections.
  • In the specification tree, a port and a type is added to each of the logical components.