Creating Equipment Centers

This section describes how to create an equipment center

An equipment center represents an area (for example, an electrical cabinet) which contains other logical components.

An equipment center consists of a logical equipment center component in the RFLP tree plus an optional 3D shape representation in the 3D area; an equipment center does not have a representation in the 2D area. The equipment center 3D shape representation can be connected via pathway connection points and pathways to other components.

Note: Only one shape representation can be associated to an equipment center.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  1. Open the logical description (2D view) of your system.
  2. In the 2D area or specification tree, select the logical component under which you want to create the equipment center.

    If you do not select a logical component, the equipment center will be created under the current active node in the RFLP tree.

    You cannot create an equipment center under another equipment center, a space volume, a logical zone or a pathway set.

Related Topics
Creating 3D Representation for Logical Components
Allocating a Logical Component to an Equipment Center

Create an Equipment Center

This section describes how to create an Equipment Center component in the RFLP tree.

  1. Click Insert > Component > Equipment Center.

    In the specification tree, the Equipment Center component is added.

  2. Optional: Create a 3D Logical Representation of the Equipment Center component.

Create an Equipment Center with Shape

This section describes how to create an Equipment Center component in the RFLP tree and a corresponding shape representation in the 3D area.

  1. Click the arrow on the west quadrant of the Compass to open the toolbar.

  2. In the toolbar select the type of shape you want to create:

    • New Component with Box
    • New Component with Cylinder
    • New Component with Sphere
    • New Component with 3D Shape

    A balloon appears in the 3D area. The type of balloon depends upon whether you chose a basic shape (Box, Cylinder or Sphere) or a detailed shape (3D Shape):


  3. Optional: Basic shapes only (not 3D shapes): To define the dimensions of the basic shape, click and in the dialog box which appears enter the required values and then click Close.

  4. In the balloon, select Equipment Center .

  5. Position the shape in the 3D area using one of the following placement modes:

    • To position the shape on a surface or point, click Select Surface or Point and then select a surface, point or edge in the 3D area.
    • To position the shape by giving coordinates, click XYZ coordinate . In the dialog box which appears enter your coordinates and then click OK.
    • To position the shape anywhere in the 3D area, click Selection on Compass Plane (Robot plane) and then select a position in the 3D area.

    When you have clicked to position the shape:

    • In the 3D view, for basic shapes, the shape appears.
    • In the 3D view, for 3D shapes, the shape axes appear.
    • In the specification tree, the Equipment Center component and associated Logical Shape representation (basic or detailed) are added.

    Note: Nothing is added to the 2D view.

    In this example, a basic box is created.