Report Procedures

This functionality produces comprehensive report files from specifications.

This gathers the results of the various analyses found in the workbenches including an analysis of the manikin's vision.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: Have a manikin in your scenario.
Related Topics
Reports - Lift-Lower Analysis
Reports - Push-Pull Analysis
Vision Analysis - Reports
Reporting Capabilities - Updating
Defining Input Parameters for Reports
Viewing a Report
Report Procedures

Report Definition

The Report Definition commands functionality.

  1. Click Inserts a new Report .

  2. Select the Manikin.

  3. TheReport Definition dialog box appears.

    Note: You might have to deactivate the Resource Selection to select the required Manikin

  4. You can choose any combination of analyses to populate the report, by toggling them from the Available column to the Selected column.

    See Reports for more information.

  5. Any combination of analyses can be activated, and each report object must point to a valid output file. A specific analysis in the above list is selectable for activation only if the proper product license check succeeds for this analysis. For instance, the Push/Pull and RULA analyses is selectable only if the Human Activity Analysis product is installed.

  6. While Editing the report properties, clicking another manikin switches that report object to the new manikin. The name of the manikin associated to the report object appears in the Manikin field. Also, a default name (i.e. Report1 Report 2...) is given to the report object. Change the name before you select OK.

    When completed, the new report object appears under the selected manikin, in the specification tree:

  7. Right-clicking on the Report1 shows the options available.

Manikin Reports in the PPR tree

The Manikin Reports in the PPR tree.

  1. Double-clicking on the Report 1(1 Analysis) opens the Report Definition dialog box which is in the Profiles section of the Manikin.

  2. Right-clicking on the Report1 in the tree opens the contextual window.

  3. The selections for the window are:

  4. Launch of the Update after configuring the report object for a specific manikin

    This causes each active report object to update, and each object sends the results of the activated analyses into its respective log file.

    Note: The dialogs of the corresponding analyses do not need to be open for the report objects to work. That is, the relevant analyses are performed in the background, using the manikin's current posture, and no message pops up during the process.