You can create an unfolded ruled surface.
Click Unfold
in the Developed Shapes toolbar.
The Unfold Definition dialog box appears.

In the Surface to unfold box, select the surface to be unfolded.
In the Origin box, select the
reference origin that is a point on the surface to unfold.
If no specific origin is selected,
it is set to Default. By default, when possible, a
corner of the surface to unfold is selected. If a target plane is defined and a projection is possible, the
origin is defined as the projection of the point, selected as the
origin on the surface to unfold, onto the target plane. If not, the
origin of the axis system of the target plane is selected as the
default origin.
In the Direction box, select the
reference direction that is the edge of the surface whose
extremity is the point.
If no specific direction is selected, it is set to Default.
By default, when possible, an edge of the surface to unfold is
selected. If a target plane is defined and a projection is possible, the
direction is defined as the projection of the tangent to the
selected edge onto the target plane. If not, the direction of the
target plane is selected as the first direction of the axis system
of the target plane.
If the reference
Origin lies on an edge to tear, the Invert Orientation is enabled and a blue arrow is displayed in
the geometry area.

Clicking the blue
arrow in the geometry area or the Invert Orientation in the Unfold Definition dialog box allows you to
reverse the orientation of the resulting surface.
Optional: In the Plane box, select the target
plane on which the
surface has to be unfolded (here we chose yz plane).
The plane is defined depending on the origin and the direction of
the surface to unfold.
Optional: In the Origin box, select the target origin.
Optional: In the Direction box, select the target direction.
Select the Reverse Uf
check box
to reverse the final U direction. You can select the Reverse Vf check box to reverse the
final V direction and Swap check box to reverse both Uf and Vf
directions. If Swap as well as Reverse Uf and/or
Reverse Vf check boxes are selected,
the swap is performed prior to the inversions.
Click Preview.
Flag notes display candidate curves to tear (if any) in the 3D
The unfolded surface is positioned on the selected plane such as:
- The image of the selected point on the surface to
unfold coincides with the selected point on the plane.
- The image of the tangent to the selected edge on the
surface to unfold is collinear with the selected direction on the

The Curves to Tear tab lets you select as many internal and external
curves or edges to tear as needed along which the surface is to be
developed, so that constraints are solved.
Select the curves to tear.
You can either
click the 3D flag or click the curve or the edge.
If no edge of the surface can be defined as
candidate, an information message is issued and the Curves to Tear
tab displays a list of edges to be selected.
The selection of curves or edges to tear is optional
if there is no curve or edge to tear.
Unfold using an internal edge to tear

Unfold using an external edge to tear

Click OK to unfold the surface.
The developed surface (identified as Unfold.x) is added to the
specification tree.
Unfold using an internal edge to tear

Unfold using an external edge to tear