About Detail Views

This topic provides more information how to create detail views, detail view profiles, quick detail views and quick detail view profiles.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Creating a Detail View/Detail View Profile
Creating a Quick Detail View/Quick Detail View Profile


A detail view is a partial generated view that shows only what is necessary in the clear description of the object. Note that the Detail View command uses a Boolean operator from the 3D whereas the Quick Detail View command computes the view directly from the 2D projection. The representation is therefore different.

Note: In detail views and detail view profiles, the dress-up elements generated from the 3D are identified and represented whereas they are not when generating quick detail view and quick detail view profiles.

Miscellaneous Remarks About Detail Views and Detail View Profiles

This sub-topic makes miscellaneous remarks about detail views and detail view profiles.

  • If you create a detail view from a section view and subsequently modify the cutting profile in the section view, in such a way that the detail view is no longer accurate, the detail view cannot be updated so as to take into account the changes in the cutting profile.
  • If you create a broken view from a view which contains a detail view callout, the detail view callout will not be broken in the broken view. In other words, the circular shape of the callout will not be modified, even if the callout overlaps the break profile. As for the detail view, it will not modified by the break operation.

Miscellaneous Remarks About Quick Detail Views and Quick Detail View Profiles

This sub-topic makes miscellaneous remarks about quick detail views and quick detail view profiles.

  • If the view which defines the quick detail view profile is modified, then the quick detail view is simultaneously updated.
  • If the view which defines the quick detail view profile is removed, then the quick detail view recovers its original definition.
  • The view update may be quicker in some cases (depending on the geometry contained in the view which defines the quick detail profile).
  • The whole detail profile is always drawn in the quick detail view.
  • A side representation of threads is available only if threads are first generated in the view which defines the quick detail view.
  • Avoid creating a quick detail view from an aligned section view/cut: axis lines generation may be wrong.

Nevertheless, the quick detail view is updated as a standalone view in the following cases:

  • The view which defines the quick detail view profile is locked or not up to date.
  • The quick detail view projection mode is different from the projection mode of view which defines the quick detail profile (i.e. “exact” vs. “approximate”).
  • The view which defines the quick detail view is already a detail/quick detail view or already owns a clipping/quick clipping specification.

About Graphic Dress-Up Properties of Detail View Profiles

If you modify the graphic dress-up properties of detail operator profile lines in the detail view, then, they remain persistent even after updating the view and get applied to all the remaining profile lines of that detail view.

Note: Persistency of graphic dress-up properties is available only for views created using the Exact or the Approximate mode of view projection.

If you select any profile line of a detail operator profile in the detail view, and modify its graphic properties such as color, linetype, linethickness, delete, layer and hide/show, and update the view or use c:force update, then all the remaining profile lines of that detail operator in that detail view are assigned with the new graphic dress-up properties.

Note: The graphic properties of the detail operator profile lines in detail view modified through the Edit > Properties or through the Graphic Properties toolbar take precedence over overloading of the graphic properties done using the contextual command XXX object > Overload Properties.

Switching Between Exact and Approximate View Modes

  • The graphic dress-up properties for the operators are maintained independently for Exact and Approximate view modes. Therefore, if you switch between these two view modes, you can visualize the latest set of modified graphic dress-up properties for those particular operator profile lines in that particular view mode. However, if there is no last modification available for those operator profile lines for that view mode, then the default properties set in the standard for that operator in that view mode are seen.
  • For example, you can assign one set of graphic dress-up values for the detail operator in exact view mode and another set of graphic dress-up values for the same detail operator in approximate view mode. When you switch between exact and approximate view modes, you can visualize the profile lines of that same detail operator differently.

Editing the Detail Operator Profile

Graphic dress-up properties assigned to profile lines of a detail operator are retained even after performing edition of the same operator.