Click Capture
The Capture Definition dialog box appears.
Click More>> button.
The Capture Definition dialog box is expended.
The Capture Definition dialog box displays the
following information:
- The capture feature name.
- Display in 3D: displays the capture in the
geometry window.
- Hidden Text: displays a text as tooltip when
passing over the capture feature in the specification tree or
geometry window.
You can leave the field blank.
- Append External File Content: imports from a
text file the hidden text content.
- Reset Field: empties the hidden text content.
Select the Display in 3D option.
Type in the Hidden Text field the
following text: This is the capture hidden text
Click OK in the Capture
Definition dialog box.
You are now in the Tolerancing Captures workshop.
- The Capture.6
is created and displayed in the specification tree and geometry
The name of the capture and a rectangle framing the middle
characters of this name appear in the graphic area, and they
form the capture callout. When you rotate the part, the capture
callout remains parallel to the screen.
- The hidden text is displayed when passing over the capture
- The text of a capture callout is not editable, but follows the
modifications of the capture name.
- The capture properties enable you to customize the display of the
capture callout.
- The Position and Orientation Toolbar applies to capture callouts:
- for capture callouts with an associated camera:
- The X,Y manipulation applies to the text of the callout,
- The Z manipulation applies to the text and the pyramid of the
capture callout.
- for capture callouts with no associated camera:
- The X,Y manipulation applies to the text and the frame of the
- The Z manipulation is not relevant.
- The capture callout is not linked to any annotation plane.
- The capture callout orientation is fully controlled by the 3D point
of view attached to the capture.
- If you change a camera associated to a capture callout, the previous
capture callout is deleted and a new one is created.
- If you remove a camera associated to a capture, the capture callout
remains unchanged, the information No camera is displayed in
the camera list.
Move and rotate the 3D shape like this.
Select the Named Views
Click Add in the Named Views
dialog box which appears.
The Camera 1 is created.
Select Camera 1 in the combo list of the Capture Options toolbar.
- Camera 1 is now associated with
- The flat rectangle framing the name of the capture is replaced
by a rectangular-based pyramid that represents the 3D view
point, see:
When the capture is activated, the apex is displayed at the center of the
screen and the base of the pyramid is parallel to the screen
The name of the capture can be moved and a leader can be added.
Click Exit from capture
You are back in the Functional Tolerancing & Annotation workbench.