More About Functional Edge Fillets

There are a few things you need to know about functional edge fillets and the different options available in the Edge Fillet dialog box.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Creating Functional Edge Fillets

Basic Tab

Two propagation modes are available for the Create fillets on full edges and Create fillets on relimited edges options:

  • Minimal: edges tangent to selected edges can be taken into account to some extent. The application continues filleting beyond the selected edge whenever it cannot do otherwise.
  • Tangency: tangencies are taken into account so as to fillet the entire edge and possible tangent edges.

Advanced Tab

Selecting Advanced tab displays two additional options:

  • Edge(s) to keep: When filleting an edge, depending on the radius value you specified the fillet may affect other edges of the part that you do not want to fillet. In case you can anticipate such a result, before confirming the Fillet operation, specify the edges you want to exclude from the operation by selecting in the Edge(s) to keep box.
  • Limiting element(s): This option lets you intersect the fillet with one or more planes. You can use the contextual commands available for creating limiting elements by right-clicking in the Limiting element(s) box. You can select points as limiting elements. These points must be located on the edge to be filleted and they must have been created using the On curve option available in the Point Definition dialog box.

Trim Ribbons

You can trim the fillets to be created by selecting the Trim ribbons check box.

Conic Parameter

The Conic Parameter option allows you to vary the section of the fillet.

For a parameter comprised between or equal to:

  • 0.5, the resulting curve is a parabola.
  • 0 < parameter < 0.5, the resulting curve is an arc of an ellipse.
  • 0.5 < parameter < 1, the resulting curve is a hyperbola.

Display Only Parents

The Display only parents button lets you deactivate the feature and all the features which are not parents from it. For more information, see Using the Display Only Parents Option to Retrieve a Creation Context.