Using Copy, Cut, Paste in Folders

Creating a hierarchical structure of folders allows you to organize your reference and representation objects in a logical way. You can develop your folder hierarchy by creating new folders, creating new folders based on existing ones, or by using Copy, Cut and Paste commands.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:
  • Copy and Cut are available for non-root folders as well as representations and references.
  • Pasting of representations and references is only available on non-root folders.

  • Multi-select is available for the Copy and Cut commands.

  • When using Cut, Paste can only be done once.

  • When using Copy , Paste can be done multiple times.

  • If reference or representation on the Clipboard is modified in the VPM Editor session using Paste , an error message will display. You will have to save the modification made to the reference or representation prior to paste.

  • You can Cut , Copy and Paste within a folder structure, or between different folder structures.

Related Topics
Deleting and Removing Objects
Using Paste Special in Folders

Copy and Paste

This task shows you how to copy and paste between folder structures in different Folder Editor windows. In this example we will copy the Axle_Rod folder from the Axle_Assembly folder structure into the Skateboard_Assembly folder structure. You can apply this concept to any folder structure

  1. From the Axle_Assembly folder structure, right-click the Axle_Rod folder and select Copy .

    The selected folder, along with its contexts (e.g. folders, or references and representation) is stored in the Clipboard.

    • The Copy command is inactive if you select the root folder.
    • The data is stored in the Clipboard until it is replaced with newly copied or cut data.
    • You can drag and drop only shared representations. For information about shared representations, see VPM Physical Editor User Guide: Sharing Representations.

  2. In the Skateboard_Assembly folder structure, right-click the Axle_Assembly folder, and select Paste . The Axle_Rod folder is displayed under Axle_Assembly folder of the Skateboard_Assembly folder structure. A new copy of the source folder is created along with a copy of the complete sub-folder structure. The new folder points to the same items as the original folder it was copied from.

    Note: You can paste the same data multiple times until the Clipboard is updated with new data.

Using Drag and Drop to Copy and Paste

This task shows you how to perform Copy and Paste by using Drag and Drop.

  1. Copy and Paste can also be achieved by simply pressing Ctrl key, then selecting and dragging theAxle_Rod folder directly in to the Axle_Assembly folder. The mouse pointer will change into when you start dragging. When the drag and drop will not have any effect, the mouse pointer will change into

  2. While copy is not available from the search results list, you can drag folders from the search result list into a folder structure in Folder Editor window. The drag and drop functionality is only available when using search result list window, Folder Editor window and VPM Navigator explorer.

    Note: When using drag and drop in 3D representation of the folder structure you can only drag the visible objects (e.g. folders, references, representations) on the platter.

Cut and Paste

In this example we will place (using Cut and Paste commands) the Wheel Options folder into the Axle_Assembly folder of the Skateboard_Assembly folder structure. You can apply this concept to any folder in the folder structure.

  1. In the Skateboard_Assembly folder structure, right-click the Wheel Options folder and select Cut .

    The selected folder, along with its contexts (e.g. folders, or references and representation) is stored in the Clipboard.

    • The Cut command is inactive if you select the root folder, or if the folder is locked by another user.
    • The data is stored in the Clipboard until it is updated with newly copied or cut data.
    • A cut in a Folder Editor followed by a paste in a non-Folder Editor will behave as a copy/paste. Also note the nodes that were cut will remain greyed.

  2. In the Skateboard_Assembly folder structure, right-click the Axle_Assembly folder, and select Paste . The Wheel Options folder is displayed under Axle_Assembly folder of the Skateboard_Assembly folder structure.

    Note: The Clipboard is cleared after a cut/paste within a folder.

Using Drag and Drop to Cut and Paste

This task shows you how to perform Cut and Paste by using Drag and Drop.

  • Cut and Paste can also be achieved by simply selecting and dragging the Wheel Options folder directly in to the Axle_Assembly folder. The mouse pointer will change into when you start dragging. When the drag and drop will not have any effect, the mouse pointer will change into .This option eliminates the need to use menus.

    Note: When using drag and drop in 3D representation of the folder structure you can only drag the visible objects (e.g. folders, references, representations) on the platter.