Creating Meshes by Extracting Elements

The coating 1D creates a 1D mesh by extracting edge elements from an existing 2D mesh; the coating 2D creates a 2D mesh by extracting face elements from an existing 3D mesh.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin: A 2D or a 3D mesh must exist and must be updated.
Related Topics
Accessing the Finite Element Modeling Workbench
Meshing Geometries
Updating Meshes
Creating Groups

Create a 1D Mesh from a 2D Mesh

You can create a 1D mesh by extracting edge elements from an existing 2D mesh.

  1. In the Transformation Meshes toolbar, click Coating 1D Mesh .

  2. Select one or several existing and updated 2D meshes.

    You can select surface meshes, Octree triangle meshes, coating 2D meshes or any 2D transformed meshes.

    Correspondence between surface elements and extracted elements:

    2D elements Extracted elements
    TR3 BAR
    TR6 BAR3
    QD4 BAR
    QD8 BAR3

    To learn more about those elements, see List of Elements and Physical Properties.

  3. In the Extraction type list, select one of the following:

    • All edges to generate a 1D element for each edge of the 2D meshes.
    • Boundary edges to generate a 1D element for each boundary edge of the 2D meshes.
    • Internal edges to generate a 1D element for each internal edge of the 2D meshes generates a bar or beam element.
    • Constrained edges to generate a 1D element for each constrained edge of the 2D meshes.
    • Non constrained edges to generate a 1D element for each unconstrained edge of the 2D meshes.
    • None to generate a 1D element only for local specifications.

  4. Add or remove locally edges from the set of edge elements you want to extract.

    1. Click .
    2. Select edges or groups created under a mesh in sequence.

      Important: You can only select 1D geometries or 1D groups created under a mesh as local specification supports. This support must have the same dimension as the elements you want to extract.

    3. Select Include to add the edge selection or Exclude to remove the edge selection.
    4. Click OK.

  5. Click one of the following:

    • Cancel to cancel the modifications and close the dialog box.
    • Apply to save the parameters you defined and to create, update, and generate the mesh.

      The PLM Update progress bar appears. You can interrupt the update. See Updating Meshes.

      The dialog box remains open to continue modifying parameters if necessary.

    • OK to save the parameters you defined, to create the mesh, and to close the dialog box. To generate and visualize the mesh, you have to update it. See Updating Meshes.

    If you click Apply or OK, the coating 1D mesh is created and appears in the specification tree.

Create a 2D Mesh from a 3D Mesh

You can create a 2D mesh by extracting face elements from an existing 3D mesh.

  1. In the Transformation Meshes toolbar, click Coating 2D Mesh .

  2. Select one or several existing and updated 3D meshes.

    You can select tetrahedron filler meshes, Octree tetrahedron meshes, sweep meshes or any 3D transformed meshes.

    Correspondence between solid elements and extracted elements:

    3D elements Extracted elements
    TE4 TR3
    TE10 TR6
    HE8 QD4
    HE20 QD8
    WE6 TR3


    WE15 TR6


    To learn more about those elements, see List of Elements and Physical Properties.

  3. In the Extraction type list, select one of the following:

    • Boundary faces to generate a 2D element for each boundary face of the 3D meshes.
    • None to generate a 2D element only for local specifications.

  4. Add or remove locally faces from the set of face elements you want to extract.

    1. Click .
    2. Select faces or groups created under a mesh in sequence.

      Important: You can only select 2D geometries or 2D groups created under a mesh as local specification supports. This support must have the same dimension as the elements you want to extract.

    3. Select Include to add the face selection or Exclude to remove the face selection.
    4. Click OK.

  5. Click one of the following:

    • Cancel to cancel the modifications and close the dialog box.
    • Apply to save the parameters you defined and to create, update, and generate the mesh.

      The PLM Update progress bar appears. You can interrupt the update. See Updating Meshes.

      The dialog box remains open to continue modifying parameters if necessary.

    • OK to save the parameters you defined, to create the mesh, and to close the dialog box. To generate and visualize the mesh, you have to update it. See Updating Meshes.

    If you click Apply or OK, the coating 2D mesh is created and appears in the specification tree.