Modifying ELFINI Linear Elastic Material Properties

You can modify the properties of an ELFINI linear elastic material. An ELFINI linear elastic material can be isotropic or orthotropic. The ELFINI linear elastic properties are also called ELFINI linear elastic domain.

Before you begin: A material with an ELFINI linear elastic domain must exist. See Creating a Material with a Domain and Applying a Core Material in the Material Editor User's Guide.
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ELFINI Linear Elastic Material Properties
  1. In the specification tree, double-click an ELFINI linear elastic domain of a material.

    ELFINI linear elastic domains are identified by the symbol in the specification tree.

    In the above example, MyMaterial001-Linear Elastic is an ELFINI linear elastic domain of the MyMaterial001 material.

    The ELFINI Linear Elastic Domain dialog box appears.

  2. In the Type list, select the type of the material. An ELFINI linear elastic material can be isotropic or orthotropic (orthotropic 2D, fiber, honey comb, orthotropic 3D).

  3. Modify the physical properties of the ELFINI linear elastic material.

    The physical properties of the ELFINI linear elastic material depend on the physical type of material you selected. See ELFINI Linear Elastic Material Properties.

  4. Click OK.