In the specification tree, right-click the Properties set, and select Generate Mapping File.
Generate Mapping File dialog box appears.
to select the output directory where you want to store the generated XML file.
By default, the file is stored in a temporary directory.
Optional: In the File name box, modify the name of the XML file you want to generate.
Select the meshes you want to take into account in the XML mapping file.
You can select meshes and groups defined under meshes.
In the Default axis box, enter the coordinates of the axis system or select an axis system directly in the specification tree.
The axis system must be orthonormal. The three first values are the origin coordinates, the next three values are the X-axis coordinates, and the last three values are the Y-axis coordinates.
In the Tolerance box, enter a value to define the default tolerance that will be written in the XML mapping file.
The units are those that are specified in the unit settings (select ).
Click OK.
If the XML file already exists, a warning message appears.
- Click Yes to replace the existing file.
- Click No to cancel the XML file creation.
The XML mapping file is created and stored locally on your computer.
The XML mapping file is ready to be used in the creation of a mapping property. See Creating Mapping Properties. You can also edit the XML mapping file and define the property characteristics you want to apply to finite elements. See XML Mapping File.
You can also save the XML file into the database.
Examples of property definitions you can find in the generated XML mapping file:
<MEMBRANE X="-34.71" Y="0.17" Z="0" BELONG_TO_MP="Octree Triangle Mesh.2"
TH="2" MAT="MyMaterial001" MAT_DOMAIN="LinearElastic001"/>
<SOLID X="4.02" Y="-6.65" Z="17.51" BELONG_TO_MP="Octree Tetrahedron Mesh.2"
MAT="MyMaterial001" MAT_DOMAIN="LinearElastic002"/>
The coordinates of elements without structural properties are exported in the XML mapping file as XML comments at the end of the XML mapping file. The XML comments are ignored when you import the XML file.
<!-- No physical property has been defined on these elements
<X="-35.7" Y="-7.6" Z="1.9" BELONG_TO_MP="Octree Tetrahedron Mesh.2"/>
<X="-35.5" Y="-3.9" Z="1.9" BELONG_TO_MP="Octree Tetrahedron Mesh.2"/>