Modifying the Mesh

You can manually modify a surface mesh that you generated.

Before you begin:
  • Enter the Surface Mesh workshop.
  • A mesh exists (a local specification, for example).
Related Topics
Creating Surface Meshes
Meshing and Removing a Mesh
  1. Optional: To edit the topology of the part, click Edit Topology.

    See Editing the Topology.

  2. Optional: To edit the mesh, click Edit Mesh .

    See Editing the Mesh. This command is available only if you launched the topology simplification.

    Important: This command is available only if you launched the mesh execution. See Meshing and Removing a Mesh.

  3. Optional: To lock domains, click Lock Domain , and select in sequence the domains you want to lock.

    • This command is available only if you launched the mesh execution. See Meshing and Removing a Mesh.
    • Once a domain is locked, you cannot remesh it.

    The selected domains become transparent, and any modification applied to neighboring domains will not impact the locked domains.

  4. Optional: To remove the mesh you generated on domains, click Remove Mesh on domain , and select in sequence the meshed domains on which you want to remove the mesh.

    Important: This command is available only if you launched the mesh execution. See Meshing and Removing a Mesh.

  5. Optional: To split quadrangle elements in order to improve the mesh quality, click Split Quadrangles .

    Important: This command is available only if you launched the mesh execution. See Meshing and Removing a Mesh.

    1. Click Split Quadrangles .

      The Split Quadrangles dialog box appears.

    2. In the Element quality list, select the quality for which you want to split the elements.

      Tip: To visualize element quality use the Mesh Visualization Tool command. See Using the Mesh Visualization Tools.

    3. Click OK.