Estimating Computation Resources

You can estimate the time and memory required to simulate and generate results of a scenario in a structural analysis simulation.

Before you begin:
  • A structural analysis simulation that contains at least one scenario must be open.
  • The scenario must be updated. See Updating Scenarios.
Related Topics
Creating Analysis Scenarios
Updating Scenarios
Executing a Simulation from the Structural Analysis Workbench
Defining a Current Object
  1. Click Estimate Computation Resources .

    The Estimate Computation Resources dialog box appears. By default, the current scenario is selected.

  2. If you want to estimate computation resources for another scenario, select the desired scenario in the specification tree.

    Important: You can select only one scenario.

  3. Click OK.

    Both the Computation Status progress bar and the Computation Resources Estimation dialog box appear. The Computation Resources Estimation dialog box displays information about the CPU usage, memory, and disk space needed to compute the selected scenario.

    • Estimating computation resources generates the Result category in the specification tree if it does not exist yet.
    • Estimating computation resources modifies the simulation. If you close the simulation after estimating the computation resources, you are prompted to save the simulation.