In the Envelop toolbar, click Envelop .
The Envelop dialog box appears.
In the Name box, modify the name of the envelop result.
In the Support box, select meshes or groups.
If you do not select any mesh or group, all the meshes are selected
by default (All supports). That means that the envelop is computed over all mesh entities.
In the Solutions box, select the solution results you want to take into account.
You can select several solution results only if they belong to the same type: you cannot select static solution results and frequency solution results.
Optional: If you selected solution results of multi-occurrence scenarios (frequency, buckling, dynamic), you can filter on the occurrences you want to take into account. By default all the occurrences of a multi-occurrence solution result are taken into account. To modify the occurrences: - Right-click a solution result in the Envelop dialog box, and select Edit Occurrences.
The Edit Occurrences dialog box appears.
- Choose the occurrences either by index or by range.
See Selecting Occurrences.
- Click Close.
Click OK. The envelop result is created in the specification tree.
Right-click the envelop result in the specification tree, and select Add Envelop Type to add an envelop type. The Envelop Type dialog box appears.
Select one or several envelop types in the list.
Click OK. The envelop types are created and appear under the envelop result node in the specification tree.
Optional: Double-click an envelop type to modify it. The Envelop Type Edition dialog box. By default, the criterion is the maximum value and Over all is selected for all criteria. You can modify the value and filter options. To modify the result options: - In the Envelop mode list, select the criterion (Maximum, Minimum, Absolute maximum) to detect the critical value.
- To obtain a value at each position over all the existing lamina, layers or components, select Over all.
- To obtain a value at each position for each lamina, for the upper layer, the mid layer or the lower layer, or for all the components of a vector or a tensor, select For each.
- Click OK.
Update the envelop. - To update the envelop and all its related envelop types, right-click the envelop result node in the specification tree, and select Update All Envelops.
- To update an envelop type, right-click it directly in the specification tree, and select Update Envelop Type.
Both the computation status dialog box and the progress bar appear.
Generate images. - Right-click the envelop in the specification tree, and select Generate Images.
- Select the images you want to generate.
Two images are available:
- Critical values to visualize the critical value at each entity.
- Critical solutions to visualize at each entity the name (and the occurrences for multi-occurrence solutions) of the solution that contains the critical value.
- Click OK.
Optional: Generate an envelop's report - Right-click the envelop in the specification tree, and select Generate Report
- Specify the name, title, and type attributes for the report
- Click OK.