From the bar, click
and select .
Each time you enter the Structural Analysis workbench using this
icon, a new structural analysis simulation is created. Depending on whether a product is open and displayed or not, the
use of the icon gives different results:
- If no product is open, the Structural Analysis
/ Simulation dialog box appears.
You can save
the simulation in the database, and you have
associate a product with this simulation before defining the structural analysis
simulation specifications.
- If a product is open, the Structural Analysis Simulation dialog
box appears.
The options available in the Structural Analysis Simulation dialog
box vary depending on whether the product contains several 3D shapes or not.
Optional: If no product is open, modify the
name of the simulation in the Name box of the Structural Analysis
/ Simulation dialog box, and click Finish.
You enter the Structural Analysis
workbench, and a structural analysis
simulation is created.
To create a new finite element model
representation, select the Create finite element model
check box.
To learn more about the creation of finite element model representations, see Accessing the Finite Element Modeling Workbench. To learn more about finite element model representations, see Finite Element Model Representations.
Optional: To use a finite element model representation that is
already contained in the product, clear the Create
finite element model check box.
- If the product contains only one finite element
model representation, this finite element model
representation is selected automatically and its
name appears in the Link with finite element
model box.
- If the product contains several finite element
model representations, you have to select in the
specification tree the finite element model you want
to use.
Optional: To create a scenario, select the
Create a scenario check box, and select one of
the following:
- Static to create a static scenario.
- Frequency to create a frequency
Click OK.
The Finite element model / Representation
dialog box appears.
In the Representation Name box, modify the
name of the finite element model.
Click Finish.
The Structural Analysis / Simulation dialog box
In the Name box, modify the
name of the structural analysis
Click Finish.
All the needed categories are created. A 3D mesh
part and a 3D property have been created.
This is an example of what you obtain if you have
selected the three check boxes and Static: