About Dynamic Load Excitations

Dynamic load excitations define force loading on a model that are a function of frequency or time. They are defined in dynamic scenarios.

Related Topics
Creating Harmonic Load Excitations
Creating Transient Load Excitations

Harmonic Load Excitation

Harmonic load excitations define cyclical, steady-state force loading on the model as a function of frequency.

The dynamic load (DL) on the model is defined by:


  • L is the static load you referenced in the Selected load box of the Harmonic Load dialog box. The static load is defined as a function of spatial location (s).
  • M is the modulation that defines a dimensionless scale factor as a function of frequency (w).
  • f is a dimensionless scale factor.
  • Phase is an angle defining the phase shift between the load and the main phase clock of the simulation. In a harmonic analysis the loads are complex values, and the phase angle is used to transform the load into its proper real components (in-phase) and its imaginary components (out-of-phase).

Transient Load Excitation

Transient load excitations define force loading on the model as a function of time.

The dynamic load (DL) on the model is a summation over all the entries in the load excitation set. In the following formula, k is the summation index:


  • L is the static load you referenced in the Selected load box of the Transient Load dialog box. The static load is defined as a function of spatial location (s).
  • M is the modulation that defines a dimensionless scale factor as a function of time (t).
  • f is a dimensionless scale factor.