About iXF Model Import / Export in Electrical Logical Editor

This section describes the mapping of iXF Model in Electrical Logical Editor (within the VPM Functional Logical Editor workbench).

An electrical iXF file represents a logical reference (system) in Electrical Logical Editor. The file name is the PLM external identifier of the system. During import, if the system was not found in database, a new logical reference is created.

Components and conductors are instantiated under the system from electrical references found in database using the iXF PartNumber attribute (iXF Id for Equipotential and EquipotentialGroup). If no electrical reference is not found, a new one is created then instantiated.

If the position (of components, ports and harnesses) and dimensions (of components and harnesses) are defined in the XML file, they will be taken into account during the Import process. Conductors' position is computed according to the components' and ports' position.

The position (of components, ports and harnesses) and dimensions (of components and harnesses) are generated in the XML file during the Export process.

Warning: an imported iXF system must be saved once into PLM database to be found when re-importing. For a proper use, instance names must be unique.

Also note that an iXF file do not structure sub-systems. Objects are always aggregated under a root node.

The following tables expose objects mapped in import and export of iXF in Electrical Logical Editor:

Related Topics
Importing an Electrical System
Importing an Electrical System

Electrical Objects

This section describes the mapping of iXF objects in Electrical Logical Editor.

iXF Object ELE Object
System (File) System Reference
Equipment Equipment
Splice Connector Component
Terminal Board Connector Component
ConnectorShell Component Connector Component
Single Connector Component Connector Component
Wire Wire
WireGroup Cable
Equipotential Net
EquipotentialGroup NetGroup
ConnectorShell Port Connector Port
Single Connector Port Connector Port
Cavity Pin
Pin Pin
Terminal Connector Connector Port
Harness Harness

Mapping Components

This section describes the classification of components. Components are: Equipment, ConnectorShell, Single Connector, and Splice.

Components Attributes

Classification attributes for connector component specify its type of use (Splice, ConnectorShell, Single Connector).

iXF Component Attributes Electrical Component Attributes
Id Name (Instance)
PartNumber Name (Reference)
SubType Subtype

Mapping Connector Ports

This section describes the classification of Connector Port Attributes. Connector ports are: Single Connector port and Connector Shell port.

Connector Port Attributes

Classification attribute for connector port specify its type of use (ConnectorShell, Single Connector).

iXF Connector Port Attributes Electrical Connector Port Attributes
Name Name (Port)
PartNumber Predefined part number
SubType Subtype

Mapping Pins

This section describes the classification of Pins Pins are: Pin and Cavity.

Pin Attributes

iXF Pin Attributes Electrical Pin Attributes
Name Name (Port)
SubType Subtype

Mapping Conductors

This section describes the classification of Conductor attributes. Conductors are: Wire, WireGroup, Equipotential (Net) and EquipotentialGroup (NetGroup).

Common Conductor Attributes

iXF Conductor Attributes Electrical Conductor Attributes
Id Name (Instance)
SubType Subtype
Segregation Code Segregation

Common Attributes for Wire and Cable

iXF Wire and WireGroup Attributes Electrical Wire and Cable Attributes
PartNumber Name (Reference)
Color Color
Length User Length
Bend Radius Bend radius
OuterDiameter (Wire) External diameter
Diameter (WireGroup) External diameter

Specific Attributes for Wires

iXF Wire Attributes Electrical Wire Attributes
InnerDiameter Cross-section
LinearMass Linear mass

Equipotential and EquipotentialGroup Attributes

iXF Equipotential / EquipotentialGroup Attributes Electrical Net / NetGroup Attributes
Id Name (Reference)
RoutingPriority Routing priority
EstimatedDiameter External diameter
WirePartNumber (Equipotential) Predefined part number
WireGroupPartNumber (EquipotentialGroup) Predefined part number

Electrical Harnesses

This section describes how Harness Attributes and links are managed.

Harness Attributes

iXF Harness Attributes Electrical Harness Attributes
Id Name (Instance)
Part Number Name (Reference)
Subtype SubType

It is recommended to create Harness links between Harness objects and Single Connectors or Splices. An implicit link between the Harness and the Wires or Cables exists if their ends are connected to the Harness content. For more information, please refer to Managing Harness Content.


The following samples describe some possible valid assemblies of simplified electrical components. Creating properly systems in Electrical Logical Editor and using the correct iXF format definition insure an appropriate data import/export.