More about Checking Connectivity

This page provides you with more information about the check of connectivity.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Checking Connectivity

Related Objects

The information available depends on the object selected.

Note: In order to increase the analysis performance, the Link Review command only displays information related to fully loaded data. To have a complete check and analysis of a given harness, please use the Tools > Analyze Network command.

If you select a... you can see...
Device All segments connected to the device (in yellow):

  • If conductors are connected to the device or routed through the segment, the number of conductors is displayed.
  • If a separation code is assigned to the segment, it is displayed in brackets.

Segment If conductors are routed through the current segment, the number of conductors is displayed.

If existing, the separation code of the current segment is also displayed.

Branch, Electrical branch geometry The name of the branch or electrical branch geometry is displayed in green.
Conductor The route and conductor ends.

If the conductor is not routed, a green line is drawn between conductor ends.

If the conductor is routed, the actual route is shown.

Double-clicking a conductor label lists connection points and the parent (conductor group or harness) in the Link Review dialog box.

Conductor instance or conductor group instance mapped to conductor specifications If routed, the route of the conductor specification in yellow (conductor ends are not highlighted).

If not routed, a straight yellow line between conductor ends.

Double-clicking a conductor instance lists the parent.

Conductor instance or conductor group instance not mapped Does not support related objects command.
Conductor group Cannot be selected if it does not contain any conductors.

Double-clicking a conductor group lists the constituent conductors and the parent.

Electrical Geometry The name of the electrical geometry is displayed in green.
Electrical Physical System The name of the electrical physical system is displayed in green and the names of associated electrical geometries in yellow.