Arranging Branches in an Equal Angle Pattern

You can arrange branches at any junction at equal angles to each other.

It is recommended that the flatten algorithm mode be set to Coarse.

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  1. Click Live Manipulator in the Manipulator toolbar.

  2. Click Equal in the Arrange Junction Balloon.

  3. Select the branch around which other branches will be arranged near the junction you want to arrange.

    This branch is referred to as the fixed branch. The Equal Angle pattern is applied on all segments from the far segment end. A rule define the fixed segment. It is the segment:

    • with the biggest diameters
    • if same diameter, segment with longest length of branch is used
    • if same length, it is a random selection

    There are two ways of selecting the angle of rotation:

    • If the Branch Point of a Branch is selected as the rotate pivot point, then the Branch will be split at this point and the split Segments will be put in a new Branch.
    • If the Branch End is selected as the rotate pivot point, then no split will be done and the whole Branch will be rotated.

    If you want to see a message when during the branch split when arranging junction between branches, you can check an option in Tools > Options > Equipment > Electrical Discipline > Electrical Harness Flattening. For more information, please refer to Customizing.

    A preview highlights the junction and shows how branches will be arranged.

  4. Click anywhere in the 3D background to validate this first action.

    A clash appears with another segment. You will need to rotate the whole structure to avoid this clash.

  5. Select the Global Mode to let you work on the four branches at once and apply rotation on the whole.

    For more information about selection modes, Ponctual, Global and Local modes, please refer to Accessing Commands in Live Manipulator.

  6. Rotate the four branches.

  7. Click anywhere in the geometry area to accept the arrangement.