Synchronizing the Configuration of Electrical Elements

You can synchronize the configuration of Electrical elements (root Flatten product, Electrical Geometry, Electrical Branch Geometry, devices, support, Instance of conductor, mechanical part), and by this way, manage a configured product in a Flatten view without duplicating data from 3D Design.

You can build different configurations of a product, for the same Flatten view. Configuration can be added when you create a new instance in a product, then it is used to open data in a particular configuration.

Before you begin:
  • Check the Extract the variablity space option in the Tools > Options > Equipment > Electrical Harness Flattening to extract and copy the effectivities from 3D Design instances onto 3D Flatten instances. For information, please refer to Electrical Discipline - General in Customizing.
  • The configured environment is applied on product only. Before managing a configured product, the user must define the variability space, set on the reference product. Therefore, the direct instance of this product can get an effectivity link to this variability space. The user will be able to extract the effectivity and the variability space, and synchronize the Effectivity, on product between the 3D Design and the 3D Flatten (if 3D Design contains configuration). For more information about variability space, product configuration and effectivity, please read the ENOVIA - VPM Configured Environment User Guide.
  1. Extract data from your 3D Design.

  2. Switch back to the extracted data (Flatten view).

  3. Synchronize your 3D flattened geometry by clicking .

    The Synchronize dialog box provides a number of options you need to select. During the synchronization step, the selected options only will be performed. This optimizes the amount of time taken to synchronize.

  4. Press Synchronize the Configuration .

    This command allows to synchronize the effectivities of the 3D Flatten instances with the 3D Design instances. As variability spaces cannot be edited, they cannot be synchronized.

    By default, Synchronize Configuration will always be activated in the Extract command. In this case, the About the HTML Report will not display information about Configuration.

    The synchronization of variability space will be done on root Flatten product, Electrical Product, Electrical Geometry, and sub-product containing devices, support or mechanical part, Instance of wire and if the Synchronize Configuration button in Tools > Options is activated. This operation takes place whatever object you select. The synchronization of variability space can be done only once and if the Flatten product does not have any value yet. This behaviour is compliant with the rule according to which the variability space value cannot be modified in product.

    There is no synchronization of effectivity on branch, segment, protective covering and wire specification. The synchronization of effectivity will be done only if the parent product have a variability space and contains the effectivity that the system can apply. The HTML Report will be generated accordingly and will only show the selected options.

    • As all the Electrical Geometry links are extracted from the same root Flatten product, the Electrical Geometry Design must have an effectivity link to the same variability space. But if the variability space is different from the variability space of the father element in 3D Design, both must contain the same values applied on Electrical Geometry.
    • The support under products or sub-products - outside the Electrical Geometry node - must have an effectivity link to the same variability space of the root Flatten product.
    • For more information about the error messages, please refer to the About the HTML Report.

    About Synchronization:

    1. If the Variability Space for 3D Design and 3D Flatten is the same:

    1. If the effectivity of the 3D Design and 3D Flatten Components is the same, therefore nothing is done and no message appears in the HTML Report.
    2. If the effectivity of the 3D Design and 3D Flatten Components is different, then the effectivity of 3D Flatten is overriden by the effectivity of 3D Design. A message appears in the HTML Report:

    2. If the Variability Space for 3D Design and 3D Flatten is different:

    1. If the effectivity of the 3D Design and 3D Flatten component is the same, therefore nothing is done and there is no message in the HTML Report.

      For example: the effectivity of 3D Design (option 1 or 2) and the effectivity of 3D Flatten (option 1 or 2 or 3).

    2. The effectivity of 3D Design and 3D Flatten components is different, but the effectivity of 3D Flatten can be included in the effectivity of 3D Design, therefore nothing is done and no message appears in the HTML Report.

      For example: The the effectivity of 3D Flatten (option 1 or 2) and the effectivity of 3D Design (option 1 or 2 or 3).

    3. The effectivity of both 3D Design and 3D Flatten components is different and the effectivity of 3D Design is not included in the effectivity of 3D Flatten or vice-versa (points 2.2 and 2.3 are not applicable), therefore in this case the effectivity of 3D Flatten is overriden by the effectivity of 3D Design. A message is displayed in the HTML Report as in point 1.2.

  5. Click OK to validate.

  6. In the Compass, click South: Structure to access structure information.

  7. Select a part. The type, extensions, version and maturity status are displayed.

  8. To deactivate the Compass, click South: Structure.