Using Business Rule Integration in the Extract and Synchronize commands

The Electrical Harness Flattening product enables to extract and synchronize a flattening view from the 3D Harness Design. This synchronization is based on CATIA Electrical component and attribute. An openness of the synchronization is a way for the customer to add his own execution Business Rules to customize the synchronization behavior. You can customize a Business Rule for Extract and Synchronize.

Before you begin: Through Business Rules, you can use Knowledgeware language to specify the way a given command should behave in its own environment. To know how to customize PLM commands using Expert Rules, please refer to PLM Customization by Rules, in the Knowledge Expert User Guide.
  1. Click Start > Infrastructure > Project Resource Management. The Project Resource Management Editor is displayed.

  2. Select the Create a new Resource Table contextual command of ElectricalFlatteningResources1. The PLM Resource Set Custo dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click Finish. The ElectricalFlatteningResources1 window opens in which you can see the execution Business Rule, ElectricalFlatteningResources1, integrated in the synchronization process, with the EHFSynchronization_ExecutionOfUserSynchronization Opening ID.

  4. In the Resource tab of ElectricalFlatteningResources1, select Choose the assigned resource in the contextual menu of Unset.

  5. Search for the Business Rule in the ENOVIA database in the Select a Business Rule window in order to insert it in the Resource.

    The execution Business Rule will be called at the end of the Synchronization or Extract commands.

    ThisObject: Electrical component from the 3D Flatten view. It can be: Segment, Adaptable Protective Covering, Corrugated Tube Protective Covering, Protective Tape, Rigid Protective Covering, Single Insert Connector, BackShell, Shell, Equipment, Multi Insert Connector, Terminal Block, Terminal Strip, Stud, Splice, Contact, Wire, Wire Group, Product (to retrieve at least the support and the mechanical part), feature for generic behaviour, or VPMInstance.


    • Standard context:
      • Severity 1 (default) to raise a warning and the operation can continue.
      • Severity 2 to raise an error and the operation is undone. Message: attribute, displayed in a warning or error message depending on Severity, if the validation fails.
    • Electrical Harness Flattening context: Object3DDesignHarness : Reference object which is the mapping component of the 3D Flatten component in 3D Design harness (can be NULL if the link is unset).
    • SynchronizeExtractContext: a Boolean value giving the context of synchronization.
      • True: it is a Synchronization of existing 3D flatten harness.
      • False: it is an Extract-Synchronization.
    • Simulation mode: a Boolean value providing the simulation mode value.
      • True: the simulation mode is activated.
      • False: the simulation mode is not activated.
    • SynchronizationModification: a Boolean value providing the information that the 3D Flatten component is modified, or not during Synchronization.
      • True: the electrical component has been modified during Synchronization.
      • False: the electrical component has not been modified during Synchronization.
    • Length Tolerance: a Boolean message explaining that the segment has a Length Tolerance applyied on it. This attribute is provided only for segment component.
      • True: the segment has a Length Tolerance
      • False: the segment does not have Length Tolerance.

    • Business rule execution during synchronization is NOT available for the synchronized added elements if the simulation option is ON.
    • Business rule execution during synchronization is NOT available for the synchronized removed elements if the simulation option is OFF.

  6. In the initial design data, select a segment and modify its length, diameter, bend radius, instance name or color.

  7. Save your data.

  8. Switch back to the extracted data.

  9. Click Synchronize .

  10. Press the Synchronize the Knowledge parameters button to activate the execution business rule.

    When it is activated, the rule is launched on the component (Segment, Devices, Support, Protective Covering, Wires) that it is taken into account by the synchronization.

    The About the HTML Report shows the activation of Business Rule:

    If there is an error, a message (Severity 1 or 2) appears in the HTML Report.