About Customizing a Drawing View

This topic provides information needed to create a drawing of the flattened geometry using the various representation options:

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Customizing a Drawing View

About Generative View Style (GVS) options

When the GVS is not activated, select the following options in the Drawing tab of the Electrical Harness Flattening parameters:

  • Double line For bundle segment or For protective covering representation
  • 2D detail option For device, splice and support graphical representation

To customize a Drawing View, you can use General Parameters but it is highly recommended to use the Generative View Style. Customizing these parameters affects the appearance of your drawings. Make sure that the Drafting > View options are set as described in Settings Customization Guide.

When the Flattening Parameters are used, activate the following options, in Tools > Options > Mechanical Design > Drafting > View, in the Geometry generation / Dress-up frame:

  • Project 3D wireframe
  • Project 3D points
Important: The same attributes as in V5 have been kept for the Import of GVS files into V6, but some attributes may not be available.

Generative View Styles only work on Harness Flattening data, that is to say after extraction from the 3D data.

All Generative View Styles apply to views generated in exact mode. On top of that, some Generative View Styles parameters also apply when creating other view types (CGR, Approximate and Raster), as specified for each concerned view dress-up element.

To activate the GVS, you need to uncheck the option called Prevent generative view style usage, in Tools > Options > Mechanical Design > Drafting > Administration.

Harness Flattening parameters are located in the Electrical node of the Generative View Style XML file (available via Tools> Options > Standard > generativeparameters category > DefaultGenerativeStyle.XML file).

Note that the GVS only works on Harness Flattening data, that is to say after extraction from the 3D data.

This section deals with the following subjects:

  • Segments
  • Internal Protection (Protective Covering)
  • Devices
  • Supports
  • Mechanical Parts


Parameter Parameter Name Value Description Available in V6
Graphic Representation Graphic Representation DoubleLine / SingleLine Determines the linetype used for Segments. Default value: DoubleLine. Yes
Line Properties Line Type Integer Determines the line type. Default value : 1 Yes
Line Thickness Integer Determines the line thickness you want to apply. Default value: 1 Yes
Automatic Generation > TextTemplate

Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to generate an associated text template. Yes
CatalogName Character string Specifies the name of the catalog or chapter containing text templates. The catalog is the one identified in the Project Resource Management. If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Project Resource Management. Yes
TextTemplate Name Character string Specifies the name of the text template. Yes
Automatic Generation > WireAnnotation Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to generate wire annotations. Yes
Header Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to generate a header in the table. Yes
Attributes, for example, InstanceName, PartNumber, Diameter Integer Identifies the order in which wire attributes are generated. A "0" value means that no annotation for the selected attribute is generated. Yes
Automatic Generation > Technological Feature Dimension Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to automatically generate dimensions for technological features. Default value: No. No
Support Section >Text Template CatalogName Character string   Yes
TextTemplateName Character string   Yes

Internal Protection (Protective Covering):

There are 4 types of Protective Covering:

  • Adaptive
  • Fixed Diameter
  • Tape
  • Corrugated Tube

Parameters are the same for all Protective Coverings.

Parameter Parameter Name Value Description Available in V6
Adaptive, Fixed Parameter, Tape or Corrugated Tube Graphic Representation DoubleLine / SingleLine Determines the linetype used for Protective Covering. Default value: DoubleLine. Yes
Line Thickness Integer Determines the line thickness you want to apply. Default value: 1 Yes
Thickness Yes / No Determines the line thickness used for Protective Covering. Yes
2Ddetail OnExtremities Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to automatically generate the 2D Detail on Protective Covering end. Default value: No. Yes
Coefficient Integer Specifies a coefficient that sizes the 2D detail according to the layer of protective covering. Default value: 1.1. Yes
CatalogName Character string Specifies the name of the catalog or chapter containing 2D details. The catalog is the one identified in the Project Resource Management. If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Project Resource Management. Yes
Automatic Generation > TextTemplate Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to generate an associated text template. Yes
CatalogName Character string Specifies the name of the catalog or chapter containing text templates. The catalog is the one identified in the Project Resource Management. If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Project Resource Management. Yes
Text TemplateName Character string Specifies the name of the text template. Yes
Automatic Generation > Technological Feature Dimension Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to automatically generate dimensions for technological features. Default value: No. No


There are various kinds of device:

  • Single insert connectors
  • Ground studs (studs)
  • Terminal strips
  • Terminal blocks
  • Splices
  • Equipment
  • Backshells

Parameters are the same for each of the above devices.

Parameter Parameter Name Value Description Available in V6
Graphic Replacement Type 3Dprojection / 2D detail Specifies whether to generate a 3D representation or a 2D detail representing the device. Default value: 3D projection. Yes
2DDetail Orientation Yes / No Specifies how to orient 2D detail. No (default value): 2D detail is oriented with respect to main drawing view. Yes: 2D detail is oriented with respect to segment tangency. Yes
CatalogName Character string The catalog or chapter is the one identified in the Project Resource Management. If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Project Resource Management. Yes
2DDetailOrientation =No

2DDetailOrientation =Yes

Automatic Generation > TextTemplate Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to generate an associated text template. Yes
CatalogName Character string Specifies whether or not to automatically generate dimensions for technological features. Default value: No. Yes
Text TemplateName Character string Specifies the name of the text template. Yes
Automatic Generation > WireAnnotation Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to generate wire annotations. Yes
Attributes, for example, InstanceName, PartNumber, Diameter. Integer Identifies the order in which wire attributes are generated. A "0" value means that no annotation for the selected attribute is generated. Yes

The Device node contains 2D Clocking View, a common node for the devices listed above, which concerns Backshell / SIC assembly.

Parameter Parameter Name Value Description Available in V6
2D Clocking View Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to automatically generate a 2D Clocking View between at least two devices. Yes
CatalogName Character string Specifies the name of the catalog or chapter containing the 2D Details. The catalog is the one identified in the Project Resource Management. If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Project Resource Management. Yes

100mm Defines the offset value: distance between the 2D Details of the Datum / Backshell and the oriented SIC. Default value: 100mm. Yes
DatumName Character string Name of the 2D Detail of the formboard in the drawing. One datum per Clocking View will be generated. Yes


Parameter Parameter Name Value Description Available in V6
Graphic Replacement Type 3Dprojection, 2Ddetail, 3Dprojection, 2Ddetail Specifies whether to generate a 3D representation (default value), a 2D detail representing the support, or both. Yes
CatalogName Character string Specifies the name of the catalog or chapter containing the 2D details. The catalog is the one identified in the Project Resource Management. If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Project Resource Management. Yes
Graphic replacement > Section of support Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to generate an associated support section. Yes
Numbering > Use common ditto Yes / No Specifies whether or not to share a detail. The detail can only be shared if supports have the same External Reference and same orientation in 3D. Yes
Numbering > Prefix on section name Character string Defines prefix to be used for section details. Default value: Section. Yes
Layout > Origin position Length > 0 Defines the XY coordinates of the first detail on the grid. Default value for X and Y: -400mm. Yes
Layout > Grid size Length > 0 Defines the spacing between details in the X and Y directions. Default value: 40mm. Yes
Layout > Number of section on X Integer Defines the number of details placed along the X direction. Default value: 10. Yes

Legend: 0 = origin a = Y step (grid size in Y direction) b = X step (grip size in X direction) Number of sections along X = 4 in above image.
Automatic Generation > Text Template Generation Yes / No Specifies whether or not to generate an associated text template. Yes
CatalogName Character string Specifies the name of the catalog or chapter containing the text templates. The catalog is the one identified in the Project Resource Management. If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Project Resource Management. Yes
Text TemplateName Character string Specifies the name of the text template. Yes

Mechanical Parts:

Parameter Parameter Name Value Description Available in V6
DashedGreenLine Line Type Line Type Determines the line type used for the dashed green line representing the mechanical part. Yes
Thickness Integer Determines the line thickness used for the dashed green line. Yes

About Splices

It is possible to define a graphic replacement for the splices in the GVS, either 2D detail or 3D projection. However, only the 2D detail is valid, as the 3D representation, displayed like this cannot be projected in the drawing.

If you select this generative view style to generate a Front View drawing , the drawing looks like this:

About Protective Coverings

To take into account the different line types for as well as the 2D details on ends of protective coverings, the administrator must set generative view style parameters as follows for both tape and corrugated tube:

  • GraphicRepresentation: set to SingleLine. By default, this parameter is set to DoubleLine.

  • Thickness: set to Yes. This parameter lets you take into account the customized line type standard and ensures that the appropriate line type is assigned to the different layers of overlapping protective covering. By default, Thickness is set to No.

Three GVS parameters (under a 2DdetailOnExtremities node) let you manage 2D details on the ends of protective coverings:

  • Generation: enter Yes to use the 2D detail. By default, Generation is set to No.

  • Coefficient: enter an integer. This lets you define a coefficient that sizes the 2D detail according to the layer of protective covering, so that 2D details on different layers are clearly visible. By default, Coefficient is set to 1.1 and the 2D detail is 110% bigger with each layer.

  • CatalogName: enter a string. This is the name of the catalog containing the 2D detail. The catalog is the one identified as the electrical drawing catalog (Tools > Options > Equipment > Electrical Discipline > Wire Harness Flattening). If no catalog is specified, the system scans all catalogs defined in Tools > Options.