Moving Elements by Symmetry

The Symmetry command moves existing sketcher elements according to a line, construction line or an axis but do not duplicate elements, contrary to Mirror.

This task shows you how to:

Before you begin:

Create a rectangle and an axis. In this particular case we will move a rectangle by symmetry.

Related Topics
Creating Mirrored Elements

Moving One Element

To move an element symmetric about an axis, you can use the Symmetry command.

  1. Click Symmetry in the Operation toolbar (Transformation sub-toolbar).

  2. Select the rectangle you have created and click on the axis.

    The rectangle has been moved by symmetry according to the axis.

Moving Several Elements on Each Side of the Axis

You can move several elements on each side of the axis at a time. In order to be able to multi-select elements, the axis must be quite long.

To perform this scenario, create an axis, then a rectangle on one side of the axis and a circle on the other side.

  1. Click Symmetry .

  2. Select the rectangle and the circle. In order to be able to multi-select elements, the axis must be quite long.

  3. Click on the axis.

    The symmetry is created and the two elements have been taken into account.

Apply Constraints to Symmetrical Elements

The constraints applied on an axis are kept after the symmetry operation.

Create a rectangle and an axis.

  1. Click Constraint in the Constraint toolbar.

  2. Select one of the rectangle element and the axis.

  3. Click to create the constraint. The constraint and its value are displayed in the geometry area.

  4. Click Symmetry .

  5. Select the rectangle and then click on the axis. The rectangle has been moved by symmetry according to the axis. Note that as the constraint is applied on an axis, the constraint is kept after the symmetry.


    • Only internal constraints are kept after a symmetry operation.
    • The constraint is also kept when it is applied to a fixed element.
    • In the case of Use Edges, the element becomes isolated.