Creating Corners

You can create corners (arc tangent to two curves) between two lines using Corner command.

Before you begin: Create a rectangle.
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More about Creating Corners
  1. Click Corner in the Operation toolbar (Corner sub-toolbar).

  2. Click Trim All Elements in the Sketch tools toolbar. Trim All Elements is the default option.

  3. Select the two lines. The two lines are joined by the rounded corner which moves as you move the cursor. This lets you vary the dimensions of the corner.

  4. Click Keep as default for next to keep the same radius value when creating other corners.

    Note: if you want to choose a different radius value, click again the Keep as default for next command.

  5. Enter the corner radius value in the toolbar: 22mm. You can also click when you are satisfied with the corner dimensions. Both lines are trimmed at the points of tangency with the corner.

    Note: When you create corners on several vertices and providing a radius is defined, a warning message is issued asking whether you wish to keep the default radius or not.