More about Creating Corners

If you click Corner, the possible corner options appear in the toolbar. By default, corner centers are visible in the geometry. You can make them invisible using Tools > Options.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Creating Corners

More about the Corner Command

After clicking Corner , the possible corner options appear in the toolbar. The Trim All Elements option is selected by default.

Trim First Element: allows you to trim only the first line you selected to create your corner.

No Trim: no line is trimmed.

Standard Lines Trim: the trimmed lines are set as standard lines.

Construction Lines Trim: the trimmed lines are set as construction lines.

Construction Lines No Trim: the trimmed lines are set as non-trimmed construction lines.

Optimization the Corner Operation by Multi-Selection

You can create several corners just by multi-selecting.

For example, the rectangle endpoints and enter a radius value in the Radius field (Sketch tools toolbar). Four corners are created at the same time with the same radius value.

  • You can create corners between curves.
  • Clicking on Formula displays the parameter driving the radius value of the corners you have just created.

Corners Centers

By default, corner centers are created.

If you do not need them you can specify this in the Options dialog box. For this, select Tools > Options > Mechanical Design > Sketcher option (Sketcher tab) and clear Create circle and ellipse centers
