More About Projecting 3D Silhouette Edges

There are a few things that you need to know about the Project 3D Silhouette Edges command.

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Projecting 3D Elements onto the Sketch Plane
Projecting 3D Silhouette Edges

  • You can apply Relimitation , Corner and Chamfer on silhouette edges.
  • A canonicity detection is performed on projected curve according to the application tolerance, in other words the application tries to recognize sketcher elements like line or conic curves. Due to the canonicity approximation changes may occur in resulting projected curve types.
  • If no canonicity has been detected the curve is projected as is.
  • A mark composed of several associated elements is managed as a single curve (you can constrain it).
  • The silhouette elements are associative.
  • If you apply the Parents/Children... command to a sketch containing a 3D silhouette, the Parents command shows the last solid feature that modified the silhouette. To see an example of this, see Parents/Children section of the More About Projecting 3D Elements onto the Sketch Plane topic.
  • If you isolate a composite mark, as many simple geometry elements as the mark was containing are created, associativity will not be available anymore.
  • The Project 3D Silhouette Edges command generates one mark for each closed profile created in the resulting silhouette edges.