Creation of a Design TableYou can create a Design Table using the Create a design table from a pre-existing file option or the Create a design table with current parameter values option.
Create a design table from a pre-existing fileYou can create a Design Table using an already existing file. Check this option whenever you want to create a design table from the values of an external file. In this case, the created design table is made up of:
Create a Design Table with Current Parameter ValuesYou can create a Design Table using the current parameter values. Check this option whenever you want to create a design table from a subset of the document parameters. Select among all the document parameters the ones you want to be included as columns in the design table. In this case, the created design table only contains a single row. OrientationThese options allow you to choose the design table orientation. A vertical orientation is recommended when the design table contains many parameters.
Selection of the ParametersThis dialog box pops up when you select Create a design table with current parameter values. There are two ways to restrict the list of parameters to be displayed in the Parameters to insert list.
When you click OK in the dialog box above, the New - Step 1 dialog box is displayed. Selection of the File to CreateYou can use this dialog box to specify the representation. Click the Suffix tab to specify if the associated file is an .xls (Windows) or a .txt file.
Design Table Dialog BoxYou can find information concerning the Design Table dialog box. Configurations TabThe current configuration and its number (< configuration number >) are highlighted. To change the current configuration, click the new configuration in the design table. A single row design table is created when you generate a design table with the current parameter values.
Associations TabThis tab provides you with a way to associate the document parameters with the columns of the external design table. The left part of the dialog box allows you to associate parameters with the design table columns and the right part displays the list of associated parameters.