Opening Pointed PLM Components

You can open pointed PLM components in a link or a relation.

Before you begin: Open an existing product containing 3D shapes with links and relations between them.
Related Topics
About Links and Relations
Edit Links and Relations Dialog Box
  1. Click Impact .

    The Edit Links & Relations dialog box appears.

    • When there is no selected relation, Open pointed component is available only if there is at least one PLM component that is not opened in session. In this case, these documents are opened in session.

    • When there is at least one relation selected, Open pointed component is available only if there is at least one PLM component in the selection that is not opened in session. In this case, these selected documents are opened in session.

  2. Click Open pointed component .

    The Open Advanced dialog box appears.

  3. Click OK in the Open Advanced dialog box.

    Documents are opened.