Filtering Links or Relations

You can filter links or relations.

Before you begin: Open an existing product containing 3D shapes with links and relations between them.
Related Topics
About Links and Relations
Edit Links and Relations Dialog Box
  1. Click Impact .

    The Edit Links & Relations dialog box appears and contains the following links:

  2. Click Relations Filters in the Edit Links & Relations dialog box.

    The Relation filters dialog box appears.

    • In the Role frame, available items list is dynamic according to roles found in the Links & Relations dialog box.
    • In the Status frame, available items list is fixed.
    • AND and OR options defines if you want to apply Role AND Status filters, or Role OR Status filters.
    • Add Filter and Remove Filter allow you to move one or items from one list to another.
    • To reset to the default filter, click Reset.

  3. Select Unsynchronized in the Visible list in the Status frame, and click Remove Filter . Unsynchronized is in the Hidden list.

  4. Click OK in the Relation filters dialog box.

    The Edit Links & Relations dialog box has been updated and contains other links than unsynchronized only:

    The filtered status is displayed in the View combo:

  5. Click OK in the Edit Links & Relations dialog box.


    The filter is memorized for the next time you will reopen the Edit Links & Relations dialog box.