System Requirements

Certain hardware and software requirements are needed to install and utilize the Abaqus Simulation Engine extension. The DesignSight client conforms to the system requirements described in the Program Directory.

Related Topics
Licensing Requirements
Remote Execution


The Abaqus Simulation Engine can be installed only on 64-bit platforms: Windows x86-64 and Linux x86-64. The following operating systems are supported:

  • Windows Server 2008
  • Linux Red Hat 5.2
  • Linux SLES 10 SP2

Message Passing Interface (MPI)

To distribute simulations across multiple hosts, you must have MPI middleware to handle the interprocess communication.

MPI is required in the following scenarios:

  • A queue submission where the job scheduler allocates multiple host machines to execute the simulation.
  • A direct host submission that uses multiple host machines to execute the simulation.
  • A direct host submission where the execution host is a different machine than the submission host.

MPI is not required in the following scenarios:

  • A queue submission where the job scheduler allocates a single host machine to execute the simulation.
  • A direct host submission where the submission host and the execution host are the same machine.

On Windows platforms you must have HPC Server 2008; MPI is part of HPC Server 2008.

On Linux platforms HP-MPI is installed automatically with the Abaqus Simulation Engine. If you are installing the Abaqus Simulation Engine on a Linux platform, please review the HP-MPI License Terms.