Opening a Non-CATIA Document

This task shows you how to open a non-CATIA document. The commands can be accessed from the Search Result window and the Navigation window for all non-CATIA documents.

  1. In the specification tree, in the 3D or in a Search Results window, right-click a document and select Open + the proposed document.

    The selected document is opened in its associated application.

    For example, a .doc document will be opened in Microsoft® Word; a VPM V4 document will be opened in VPM V4.

    You can open a non-CATIA document from the turntable (if the application is available in Windows, the document will be represented on the turntable by the application's icon). You can also open a non-CATIA document from a search result window.

  2. In the specification tree, in the 3D or in a Search Results window, right-click a document and select Examine 2D + the proposed document.

    The selected document is opened for browsing.

    For a list of supported 2D document formats, see: Opening 2D Graphics Formats, Vector and Raster.

    Note: Every time CATIA saves a CATDrawing, a trigger registered in the XCAD server starts a CATDMUUtility that will generate the alternate stream (CGM format), associate it to the Document and save it in the vault.

    Note: Examine 2D mode is not available for a Live ENOVIA V6 connector (you can explore 2D objects directly using the Explore command).

  • If a file is checked out, the latest checked-in version appears.
  • When the initial document format is vector, print command accuracy will be exact.
  • The Open and Examine 2D menu items can have zero, one or several submenus enabling you to choose the document to be browsed. This container is always displayed and never grayed.