Using Drag and Drop

You can perform Drag and Drop operation for creating and updating documents.

This task shows you how to:

Related Topics
Creating CBP Document

Create Documents

This section shows you how to create documents.

  1. Select a file from the Windows Explorer and drag it.

    The mouse pointer changes into when you you hold the Ctrl key for dragging.

  2. In the Folder Editor Workbench, select a child folder under which you want to drop a document.

    The Sub types dialog box appears. Regarding the display of Sub types dialog box, select Tools > Options > PLM Access > External Documents. For more information, see External Documents.

  3. In the newable types list, select Document or Generic Document, to create a CBP document or VPM Document to create a VPM Document. Depending on the selection of the document type, the respective dialog box appears. If VPM Document is selected, the VPM Document / VPM Document DS dialog box appears.

    If you select Document or Generic Document from the Document Type list, the Document or Generic Document dialog box appears.

    Note: For dragging multiple files, the selected document type for all the files involved in this drag and drop will be the same.

  4. Click OK.

    The CBP document appears under the selected folder node of the folder structure. A message appears on the top right corner of the screen indicating that the command is successful.

Update Documents

This task shows you how a drag and drop operation performs a check-out, update, and check-in for updating the documents.

  1. Open a folder structure in Folder Editor Workbench. Expand the folder structure till the child folder containing document.

  2. Select the document from the Windows Explorer and drag it.

  3. In the Folder Editor Workbench, select the document under the child folder.

    The File update confirmation dialog box appears.

  4. Click Yes, to update the document.

    A message appears on the top right corner of the screen indicating that the update is successful.