Creating a Bulkhead

You can create a bulkhead. A bulkhead is a vertical partition, running either fore and aft or athwart, dividing the hull into separate compartments.

Before you begin: Open the structure system to create a bulkhead.
Related Topics
Plate Dialog Box
  1. In the specification tree, select the 3D representation under which you want to create the bulkhead. Click Panel in the Authoring Object toolbar.

    The Plate dialog box appears.

  2. In the Category box, select Transverse Bulkhead as the category of the plate you want to create.

  3. In the Name box, if the Automatic check box is selected, name is automatically assigned to the plate based on the object naming function. To assign a name manually, clear the check box and type the name.

  4. In the Support box, select cross planes as support for the transverse bulkhead.

    You can do the selection in the design or specification tree or by using Reference Plane Browser.

    Warning: It is important to select a support that is compatible with the selected category. For more information about selecting a support, refer to Molded Conventions.

  5. Select shell, deck plates and longitudinal bulkhead as the limiting object.

    Limits are used to trim the excess plate by specifying a limiting object.

    Selected objects appear in the Object column in the Limits box. The transverse bulkhead is trimmed along the selected limits in the preview mode. You can click Switch Side to toggle between the sides you want to limit.

    To create the starboard side transverse bulkhead, click Switch Side. You can also click Remove to remove the limit.

  6. In the Offset box, type the value or use the arrows to change the value.

    In the Offset box define the value by which you want to limit each plate limit

  7. To create multiple bulkheads, select another cross planes as support for the bulkhead in the Support box.

  8. Select the Material and Orientation tab and enter details. For more information, refer to Material and Orientation section in the Plate Dialog Box.

  9. Click OK.

The transverse bulkheads are created.