Convert Stiffener Dialog Box

The Convert Stiffener dialog box appears when you select Convert Stiffener in the Operation toolbar. It lets you convert the web and flange of the stiffener into two panels, or a panel and a flat bar.

This dialog box contains controls for:

Related Topics
Converting Stiffener into Plates


Select a stiffener in your 3D session, it appears in the Stiffener box.

You can select more than one stiffener at a time provieded all selected stiffeners have same section.

Click the icon to check the list of the selected stiffeners. You can replace or remove previously selected stiffener using this option and close the window.


The Section box displays the section of the selected stiffeners.

Convert Settings

By default this tab is active. It consists of settings for web and flange of the selected stiffener.

Select the appropriate category from the Category list.
A name is assigned automatically, using the object naming rules. It is displayed in the Name box. If you want to assign your own name, clear the Automatic check box and enter the name.
Select a material from the Material list.

By default, the material of the selected stiffener is displayed.

Select a thickness value in the Thickness list.

By default, the value of the Tw parameter of the selected stiffener is displayed.

Select a height value in the Height list.

By default, the value of the D parameter of the selected stiffener is displayed.


This section is active if the Bf parameter of the selected stiffener is not NULL. If you do not want to create new panel for flange you can clear this check box.

Select the appropriate category from the Category list.
A name is assigned automatically, using the object naming rules. It is displayed in the Name box. If you want to assign your own name, clear the Automatic check box and enter the name.
Select a material from the Material list.

By default, the material of the selected stiffener is displayed.

Select a thickness value in the Thickness list.

By default, the value of the Tf parameter of the selected stiffener is displayed.

Select a height value in the Height list.

By default, the value of the Bf parameter of the selected stiffener is displayed.

Remove Stiffener aftter Conversion
Select the Remove Stiffener aftter Conversion check box, to delete the stiffener object after the conversion.

Impacted Objects

Stiffener Objects
The Stiffener Objects column lists the selected stiffeners for conversion.
Impacted Objects
The Impacted Objects column lists the impacted objects by the respective stiffener.

There are two categories of impacted objects

  • Structural elements
  • Non structural elements.

The Status column displays the status of the respective impacted object after conversion.
  • Structural elements are rerouted to the new converted element.
  • Non structural are isolated.
    Tip: You can reroute it using other designing techniques. For more information, refer to Generative Shape Design User's Guide.


  • The reroute operation concerns only objects in the current session.
  • Multi selection is allowed.
  • The selection of the stiffener doesn't highlight all the impacted objects. You can multi-select the impacted objects.