SmartPick Dialog Box

As you create more and more elements, SmartPick detects multiple directions and positions, and more and more relationships with existing elements. This may lead to confusion due to the rapid highlighting of several different detection possibilities as you point the cursor at different elements in rapid succession. The SmartPick dialog box contains controls which let you filter out undesired detections. This dialog box appears when you click SmartPick... in the Constraints Creation area on the Geometry tab.

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The SmartPick area contains the following options:

Support lines and circles
Select this check box to detect support lines and circles.

By default, this option is selected.

Select this check box to detect when two elements are aligned according to one another.

By default, this option is selected.

Parallelism, perpendicularity and tangency
Select this check box to detect when two elements are parallel, perpendicular or tangent according to one another.

By default, this option is selected.

Horizontality and verticality
Select this check box to detect when two elements are horizontal or vertical according to one another.

By default, this option is selected.

Important: Clearing all check boxes in the SmartPick dialog box disables SmartPick completely. This will be particularly useful when your screen is full of elements: in this case, disabling SmartPick lets you concentrate only on the geometry.