More About Applying a 3D Marble Texture

This page provides you with more information about the application of the 3D Marble texture to an object.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Applying a 3D Marble Texture

The Color Bar

The Color Bar is available in the Renderning Properties dialog box in the Texture tab when selecting Marble in the Type list.

The color bar graduated from 0 to 1 defines the color interpolation for a half-vein, the four parts of this bar (0-0.25, 0.25-0.50, 0.50-0.75 and 0.75-1) representing one color width each.

The Bump Texture

Bump textures consist of a lighting surface effect added to the object that locally modifies the geometric aspect of the basic object by means of an artificial perturbation of the normal.

You can use the slider or enter a coefficient value comprised between -10 and 10:

  • 0 means no bump effect
  • 10 means that bright colors appear above dark colors
  • -10 means that dark colors appear above bright colors.

The Transformation Area

The options of the Transformation area helps you to adjust the mapped texture.

  • Scaling: stretches the texture along X, Y, and Z axes
  • Rotation: rotates the texture around X, Y and Z axes
  • Translation: translates the texture along X, Y and Z axes.