Defining a Piping Port

You can define the logical ports as piping ports. These logical ports act and behave like the piping components.

Before you begin: Open the logical piping system to define a piping port. For the purpose of this scenario, create:
  • A new reference under a Logical node in the specification tree.
  • A new logical port.
Related Topics
About Specification Tree Organization
  1. Click Define Piping Port in the Fluid Systems toolbar.

  2. Select the reference logical port to be defined as a piping port in the specification tree or in the 2D representation.

    The Piping Port Extension dialog box appears.

    The Name box indicates the name specified by you for the reference object.

    The Type box indicates the type of the part (Logical Piping Port).

    Note: The Name and the Type boxes are not editable in this dialog box.

  3. Click OK.

    The reference object is defined as logical piping port.

    A confirmation message is displayed at the upper right corner of your screen.

    Tip: To display the port name, select Tools > Options > Infrastructure > VPM Functional Logical Editor > Logical 2D tab. Select the Display name on port check box.


  • You can define multiple objects as the piping port at a time.
  • In case of multiple selections, if some of the selected ports are already defined as the piping ports, then only non-defined ports will be recognized as the logical piping port. The count is displayed in the confirmation message that appears after clicking OK at the upper right corner of your screen.
  • For information about the port size, refer to Managing a Piping Port Size.